
Falco columbarius

Summary 3

L 10” Wt. 8oz
Description: Merlins are small powerful falcons with dark and streaky markings. Their dark tail has narrow white bands. Both males and females are similar, however the adult males have more gray, and the females and juveniles have more brown. They are fast fliers with short rapid wing beats.

Habitat: Open forests, edges, and shorelines.

Fun Facts: Merlins will perch for long periods of time looking for their prey of songbirds, dragonflies, and small shorebirds.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) islandstewards, all rights reserved
  2. (c) Raj Boora, some rights reserved (CC BY),
  3. Adapted by islandstewards from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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