Sooty-winged Chalcoela Moth

Chalcoela iphitalis

Summary 3

The Sooty-winged chalcoela (Chalcoela iphitalis) is a member of the Crambidae family that occurs throughout North America. They are seen as far south as California and South Carolina and as north as Ontario. Adults can been seen from May to August. The head, body and front portion of the forewings are yellow-orange while the hindwing and back portion forewings are grey and silver. The back edge of the hindwing has black spots.

Sources and Credits

  1. no rights reserved, uploaded by Scott Loarie
  2. (c) Kurtis Himmler, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Kurtis Himmler
  3. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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