Photo 424561, (c) Francisco Valdes Perezgasga, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Francisco Valdes Perezgasga

Attribution © Francisco Valdes Perezgasga
some rights reserved
Uploaded by fvaldesp_tutor fvaldesp_tutor
Source iNaturalist Mexico
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Sonoran Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer ssp. affinis)




July 22, 2013


Víbora de 30 cms de longitud aproximadamente. Vista en el lecho seco del Río Nazas en Torreón, Coahuila. Al acercarse alguien se excita, se enrolla como para atacar, se infla y se desinfla, la cola vibra y hace un sonoro "jissss".

Snake, 12 in long approximately. Seen in the dry riverbed of the Nazas in Torreon. When someone gets near it gets excited, recoils as if to strike. Its body inflates and deflates, the tail vibrates and it emits a loud "hissss".
