CURRENT STATUS - who is winning?

Ha, you give science people an extended deadline for a competition and they go crazy! :)
3089 species right now, 10733 observations, and 80 members!

You might be wondering who is in the lead for the competition, so here is my quick, possibly not correct, estimate of the current status (but things will change before the deadline I am sure):


Faculty, including retired: (mgochfield), 585 species (I am loosing my bet with Michael on most species, but I am only 60 species behind and there are two days left to upload stuff :) ...)

Staff: Hadas Parag (hadasparag), 845 species

Graduate students: Nick Pollock, 208 species

Undergraduate students: Kurtis Himmler (khimmler), 329 species

Alumni: Cailin O'Connor (celticcail), 325 species

Family and Friends: Torbjörn Peterson (frogplanet), 516 species


Faculty, including retired: Lena Struwe (vilseskog)

Staff : Hadas Parag (hadasparag), 876 observations

Graduate students: Joni Baumgarten, 424 observations

Undergraduate students: Jason Hafstadt (jhafstad), 548 observations

Alumni: Cailin O'Connor (celticcail), 729 observations

Family and Friends: Torbjörn Peterson (frogplanet), 612 observations

We will also try to calculate a winner for NJ-only observations.

Posted on May 26, 2016 08:34 PM by vilseskog vilseskog


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