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BioBlitz Canada 150 iNaturalist Contest | Le concours iNaturalist de BioBlitz Canada 150

Follow in the footsteps of our country’s great naturalist heroes! The BioBlitz Canada 150 iNaturalist Contest is on now with two Grand Prizes up for grabs: Become the top observer to win a Sony Action Cam or become the top identifier to get an honorarium and short profile in Canadian Wildlife magazine. And that’s not all! Visit http://bioblitzcanada.ca for a full list of contest rules and prizes.

Marchez sur les traces des grands héros naturalistes de notre pays! Le concours iNaturalist de BioBlitz Canada 150 est en cours, avec deux grands prix à gagner : Devenez le meilleur observateur pour gagner une Action Cam de Sony, ou le meilleur identificateur pour obtenir une somme en espèces et une entrevue dans la revue Biosphère. Et ce n’est pas tout! Rendez-vous à http://bioblitzcanada.ca/fr pour obtenir le règlement complet du concours et la liste ...more ↓

Posted on June 25, 2017 09:42 PM by deyra deyra | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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Get out and discover biodiversity in unexpected places, like in your backyard, at the local park, or on a walk around the neighbourhood. As part of BioBlitz Canada 150, the Virtual BioBlitz lets you get involved even if there’s no organized bioblitz in your area or lets you get warmed up for an upcoming blitz. Have a look at the events map to see when and where the organized bioblitzes are ...more ↓

jpage_cwf created this project on May 9, 2017
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