Serbia - iNaturalist World Tour

We end Week 9 of the iNaturalist World Tour - and my apologies this post is a day late. The top observer is @dendzo, a doctor of veterinary medicine from the capital of Belgrade. Other top observers, such as @mycohollic and @mihajlo2 also have observations clustered here. To the south, near the third largest city of Niš, @sanca13 and @lactarius are based. To the west, @davidlupin7 has observations near Bajina Bašta and @alderash near Valjevo. To the north, @danilougrnov has observations clusted around Ada and @ivanpancic around Zrenjanin. Between @lactarius, @mycohollic, and @nikolall there seems to be a disproportonate interest in Mycology among the top observers.

The number of observations per month spiked up in May of this year due to a lot of activity by @dendzo and @sanca13. Was this just random, or was there a reason the activity of these two top observers spiked up this month?

@kastani out of Kazakstan is the top identifier and leads in plant identifications. @borisb is the second top identifier and leads in insects. In addition to being the top observer, @dendzo is the third top identifier. @lactarius leads in fungi identifications. This category is more 'observose' than birds likely due the large number of fung-o-phile top observers mentioned above. @wouterteunissen leads in bird identifications. Many thanks to other top identifiers such as @jakob and @danieleseglie

What can we do to get more people in Serbia involved in iNaturalist? Please share your thoughts below or on this forum thread

@dendzo @sanca13 @davidlupin7 @alderash @danilougrnov @lactarius @kastani @borisb @jakob @wouterteunissen

Since this post was overdue, we're following it up immediately with Georgia!

Posted on August 27, 2019 03:52 AM by loarie loarie


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