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utchee Spotted bellflower (Campanula punctata)

please delete Japanese name (see comments)

Jun. 20, 2020 21:04:35 +0000 kueda

Deleted the name


@kueda "フナシホタルブクロ" means Campanula punctata var. punctata f. inpunctata.
Campanula punctata have been named any Japanese names yet.

And, I noticed similar Japanese name mistakes in other species. Is it set up based on any sources?

Posted by utchee almost 4 years ago

I recently added a lot of Japanese common names based on lists developed by @yasuhiro-k and @juni_fujinuma. In the CSV they sent me for names from http://ylist.info, Campanula punctata maps to フナシホタルブクロ, but looking at http://ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=24404 I see that you're right. @yasuhiro-k or @juni_fujinuma, do you think you could review the list of names you sent Carrie and see if there are any other mistakes like this? If you can send us a list of names to delete we can delete them en masse.

Posted by kueda almost 4 years ago

Oops!! Let me check what's going on in our dataset. I will get this back to you and give revisions. Sorry for the confusion.

Posted by juni_fujinuma almost 4 years ago

@kueda Thank you for correcting the Japanese name!

Thank you for checking and contribution about the Japanese names.
I suspect that the Japanese names for scientific names that are not listed at the subspecies, variations, or forms in iNat taxonomy have been mistakenly mapped on species-level names.
There are many deviations between iNat taxonomy and Japanese taxonomic authorities (e.g. YList, GreenList, or JBIF (Japan node of GBIF)'s Wamei checklist in vascular plants.
For example, Ranunculus silerifolius is not ヤエキツネノボタン.

Posted by utchee almost 4 years ago

@kueda @juni_fujinuma
I've further checked my comments above, and it seems that the Japanese names at the variation level are still mapped to the species level.
another example: Phedimus aizoon has not any Japanese names (but It seems to have been used as キリンソウ sensu lato.)

Is it really appropriate to name subspecies, variations, and forms for scientific names that don't have Japanese names at the species level (but are not listed in POWO)?
We've been collaborating with users and curators in Japan and other countries to try to resolve deviations between POWO and YList. And we've been manually adding scientific names. (Like this https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/459139 )
As for me, if a Japanese name at the subspecies level is easily set as a species-level name, I'm a little worried about the identification I fear that the accuracy will be diminished (although it may be over quality as iNat taxonomy).

Posted by utchee almost 4 years ago

Our policy is to "try to add names at the taxonomic level where they describe all members of that taxon and only members of that taxon," so if フナシホタルブクロ refers to Campanula punctata var. punctata f. inpunctata but not to Campanula punctata var. hondoensis, then we should remove that common name from https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/128781-Campanula-punctata. I've already done that, but just trying to be clear about what we at iNat would prefer.

Posted by kueda almost 4 years ago

Thank you for further suggestions. We have been investigating the source of the bugs, and found out high possibility of similar problems for many vascular plants with trinomial names that lack Japanese common name. In order to solve this, we will provide a list of suspicious entries as soon as possible so that iNaturalist can apply a batch removing all the suspicious Japanese names. Again sorry for this confusion.

Posted by juni_fujinuma almost 4 years ago

@juni_fujinuma (cc: @kueda )
How is the progress of checking the dataset? As far as I can see, there is already confusion about IDing because of the wrong Japanese names.
The suspicious list can be obtained by comparing the JBIF list with the iNat taxonomy (https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/developers ). So if you are unable to deal with that process insufficient time/technology, I may take some of your time, but I am also willing to help you.

Posted by utchee over 3 years ago

@kueda This problem can only be solved by checking the synonymous relationships between POWO and locally used scientific names individually (e.g. infrataxon that observed very localized), so I and voluntary users who noticed it have been tried to solve it manually. We will continue to work on resolving this issue.
Related frag: https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/495133

Posted by utchee about 3 years ago

Thanks, @utchee!

Posted by kueda about 3 years ago

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