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henriqueandrades Decollate Snail (Rumina decollata)

Listed as Rumininae, but appears when I search for Subulininae (and Rumininae too)

Oct. 13, 2020 14:19:02 +0000 thomaseverest

Indexing problem (?), fixed


I don't see the issue. What exactly is the problem?

Posted by thomaseverest over 3 years ago

In the page of the taxon, the species is listed as pertaining to the subfamily Rumininae.
If I search for observations of Rumininae, it appears along with one other species: https://prnt.sc/v2fmng
If I search for observations of Subulininae, it appears too: https://prnt.sc/v2fn1c

It also looks like there are more observations of the species showing up when I search for Rumininae (2341) than when I search for Subulininae (1991).

Posted by henriqueandrades over 3 years ago

More things to help:
If I search up for the species, 4332 observations appear, which is the sum of both searches (2341 + 1991). The other species of the genus also seems to be divided (26 in Rumininae and 8 in Subulininae).

If I search up for the genus, all of the observations appear too.

Posted by henriqueandrades over 3 years ago

Ah I see! R. decollata was showing up as a species under Subulininae even though it was properly grafted under Rumininae. The observation numbers were off, but no observations of R. decollata were actually showing up in the search. I deactivated and reactivated Rumina (and had to do the same for all the descendants). And then there were 119 observations left, but doing it again seems to have fixed it.

Posted by thomaseverest over 3 years ago

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