Lamb's quarters

Chenopodium album

Summary 6

Chenopodium album (lamb's quarters/wild spinach) is a fast-growing weedy annual plant in the genus Chenopodium. In northern India, it is extensively cultivated and consumed as a food crop known as bathua.

Botanical Information 7

Lamb's quarter is the common name for the plant but its scientific name is Chenopodium album. Lamb's quarter is member of the amaranth family, which also includes goosefoot, quinoa, and many more. The name chenopodium in greek means goose foot because the leaves look like one. Lamb's quarter are very common and found worldwide. This plant is considered an invasive plant. Lamb's quarter is an annual plant. Although it dies every year, the seeds from the plant drop to the ground so that it grows again the next year.

Información Botánico 8

Lambsquarter es el nombre común de la planta, pero su nombre científico es Chenopodium album. Lambsquarter es miembro de la familia del amaranto, otros miembros de la familia son el ganso, la quinua y muchos más. El nombre chenopodium en griego significa pata de ganso porque las hojas se parecen a un pata de ganso.Lambsquarter son comunes, se puede encontrar en todo el mundo. Se pueden encontrar en casi cualquier lugar. Esta planta se considera una planta invasiva. Lambsquarter es una planta anual, aunque muere cada año, las semillas de la planta caen al suelo y en el próximo año volverá a crecer.

Ecological Information 9

Lamb's quarter is considered a weed because it pops up in almost any garden. It is a prolific plant commonly found along roadsides and throughout fields. Each plant can produce thousands of seeds, one reason why it is such a successful plant. Its seeds provide food for field mice, sowbugs, millipedes, crickets, slugs, and carabid beetles. The female parts of the flower will mature before the male parts. This evolutionary adaptation encourages cross-pollination.

Información Ecológico 10

Se considera una hierba porque aparece en casi cualquier jardín. No hay amenaza para la planta en general porque se reproducen muy fácilmente y aparecen en casi cualquier lugar donde la hierba está funcionando bien.

Ethnobotanical Information 10

Lambsquater is edible. It is easily recognized in India since they use this plant in many of their dishes. In the mid 1400’s to 1500 settlers brought this edible plant to the Americas. Lamb's quarter contains a lot more iron, protein, calcium, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and many more benefits than cabbages and spinach. Lambsquarter has a bit of a salty taste, and can be dried and used as a seasoning. It is also considered to be medicinal, it can be made into a paste to treat bites and sunburns. Another medicinal property is that the leaves can be used to make tea to soothe an upset stomach.

Información Etnobotánico 10

Lambsquarter es comestible. Se reconoce fácilmente en India, ya que utilizan esta planta en muchos de sus platos. De mediados de 1400 a 1500 colonos trajeron esta fuente comestible a las Américas. Contiene mucho más hierro, proteínas, calcio, vitamina B1, vitamina B2 y muchos más beneficios que las coles y las espinacas. Lambsquarter tiene un poco de sabor salado, se puede secar y usar como condimento. Además, también se considera medicinal, se puede convertir en un pasado para tratar picaduras y quemaduras solares. Otra propiedad medicinal es que las hojas se pueden usar para hacer té para calmar el malestar estomacal.

References 11

Nafici, Saara. “Weed of the Month: Lambsquarters.” Brooklyn Botanic Garden,
Engels, Jonathon. “Lambsquarter: Why This Weed Deserves to Be in Your Garden.” One Green Planet, One Green Planet, 13 Aug. 2018,
“Common Lambsquarters.” Weeds,

“Chenopodium Album.” Rewilding Wiki,
Thegypsy. “Lambs Quarter - Wild & Edible” The Gypsy Thread, 16 Mar. 2018,

About the Author 12

Student author(s)*: Alicia (high school age) from Atrisco Heritage Academy

*The entries in this field guide have been edited by Yerba Mansa Project staff to ensure that they contain quality, fact-checked content and standardized formatting.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Robert D Stevenson, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Robert D Stevenson
  2. (c) show5, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)
  3. (c) Liv MW, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), uploaded by Liv MW
  4. (c) Lee Elliott, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), uploaded by Lee Elliott
  5. (c) Andreas Rockstein, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  6. Adapted by albuquerqueherbalism from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  7. Adapted by albuquerqueherbalism from a work by (c) Jordy Hicks, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  8. Adapted by albuquerqueherbalism from a work by (c) smiller33, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  9. Adapted by Hannah from a work by (c) smiller33, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  10. (c) smiller33, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  11. Adapted by smiller33 from a work by (c) caseynm, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  12. Adapted by albuquerqueherbalism from a work by (c) caseynm, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Uses edible, medicinal