Banded Krait

Bungarus fasciatus

Description 3


  • Highly Venomous Elapid
  • Found mostly in Northeast India and Southeast Asia.
  • Neurotoxic Venom : Paralyzes muscles leading to respiratory and cardiac failure.


  • Alternate Black and Yellow Crossbands .
  • Enlarged vertebral scales along body.
  • Juveniles might look like banded kukris.
  • Triangular cross-section due to prominent backbone and grow to 3-4 feet on average.


  • Found Northeast of Orissa and Uttar Pradesh. Common in Bengal and NE India.
  • Strictly prefers wet surroundings and hence lives around Wetlands, Paddy Fields and Plains.
  • Inhabit Termite mounds and Rodent holes close to water and a very good swimmer.


  • Preys mainly on Other Snakes and sometimes fish, frogs and rodents.
  • Fully Nocturnal. Hides during day but active hunter during night.
  • Docile and non-offensive snake, coils up concealing head when threatened.
  • Reluctant to bite except upon persistent provocation.
  • Despite highly toxic venom, they prefer not to strike. Significantly less bites than Common Krait.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Colin Chiu, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Colin Chiu
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, all rights reserved, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  3. (c) Vinay Gogula, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Toxicity Venomous