
Festuca rubra

Erkennen! 3

Beim Routschwéngel ginn et zwou Ënneraarten, woubäi déi eng a Pitsch wiisst, déi aner Ausleefer bilt. De Bléiestand huet eng roudelzeg oder brong Faarf. Hie blitt fir gewéinlech méi spéit wéi déi aner Grieser.

Wousst der schonn? 3

Op landwirtschaftleche Flächen gëtt éischter d'Variant, déi Ausleefer bilt, benotzt. Et ass e wichtegt Gras fir Wues well et dicht a reng wiisst. Et gëtt och gär op Golfplaze benotzt.

Summary 4

Festuca rubra is a species of grass known by the common name red fescue or creeping red fescue. It is widespread across much of the Northern Hemisphere and can tolerate many habitats and climates. It is best adapted to well-drained soils in cool, temperate climates; it prefers shadier areas and is often planted for its shade tolerance. Wild animals browse it, but it has not been important for domestic forage due to low productivity and palatability....

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Fabelfroh, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  2. Carl Axel Magnus Lindman , no known copyright restrictions (public domain),,_Festuca_rubra.jpg
  3. (c) Thierry Helminger, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  4. Adapted by Thierry Helminger from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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