Weeblat, Stäsom

Plantago media

Erkennen! 2

Dat Mëttelst Weeblat kann ee ganz gutt un den hell rosa bis hell lila Stëbsfiedem un de Bléienéijen erkennen. Déi grondstänneg Blieder si méi schmuel wéi déi vum Grousse Weeblat, lanzettlech a lafen an e breede Still aus.

Wousst der schonn? 2

D'Mëttelst Weeblat ass am Géigesaatz zu deenen zwou aneren Weeblat-Aarten u moer Standuerter gebonnen; wou et virkënnt huet de Buedem net vill Nährstoffer.

Summary 3

Plantago media, known as the hoary plantain, is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family Plantaginaceae. It is native to central and western Europe, including Great Britain and introduced to parts of the north-east United States. Its generic name is derived from the Latin for sole; like other members of the genus Plantago, it should not be confused with the unrelated plantain, a starchy banana.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Diana V. Tretyakova, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Diana V. Tretyakova
  2. (c) Thierry Helminger, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  3. Adapted by Thierry Helminger from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plantago_media

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