Fringed Jumping Spider

Portia fimbriata

Summary 2

Portia fimbriata, sometimes called the fringed jumping spider, is a jumping spider (family Salticidae) found in Australia and Southeast Asia. Adult females have bodies 6.8 to 10.5 millimetres long, while those of adult males are 5.2 to 6.5 millimetres long. Both sexes have a generally dark brown carapace, reddish brown chelicerae ("fangs"), a brown underside, dark brown palps with white hairs, and dark brown abdomens with white spots on the upper side. Both sexes have fine, faint markings...

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  1. (c) Jurgen Otto, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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