White Heelsplitter

Lasmigona complanata

Mussel Description 2

Shell is very compressed, subcircular, and has a brown or black exterior. A large posterior wings is present , often with several small ridges on the wing that extend onto the shell. White interior (nacre). Pseudocardinal teeth are large and not grooved, while lateral teeth are reduced. Habitat has been described as being in areas with reduced flow. Typical adults grow to 4.5-6 inches in length, though they can grow up to 10 inches. *

The shell is relatively thick.**

*Source: Freshwater Mussels of the Upper Mississippi River.
**A Field Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of the Chicago Wilderness.

Visually Similar Species 2

pink heelsplitter and creek heelsplitter. **

The pink heelsplitter has not been found in the Milwaukee River Basin.

The white heelsplitter has more square shaped shell than the creek heelsplitter, which is more elongated. **

**A Field Guide to the Freshwater Mussels of the Chicago Wilderness.

Status in the Milwaukee River Basin 2

This species has been found fairly commonly in the South Branch of the Milwaukee River and the Cedar Creek Watershed.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Zac Driscoll, all rights reserved, uploaded by Zac Driscoll
  2. (c) Zac Driscoll, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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