Tree cholla

Cylindropuntia imbricata

Summary 7

Cylindropuntia imbricata is a cactus found in the Southwestern US. Its common names include cane cholla, tree cholla, walking stick cholla, and chainlink cactus.

Botanical Information 8

Tree cholla is a flowering cactus commonly found in the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It has also been introduced in the continental area of ​​Australia, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, South Africa, and Spain and is considered an invasive species in these areas. Tree cholla is able to withstand colder climates than the average cactus. Tree cholla's scientific name is Cylindropuntia imbricata, which describes the shape of it's fruit, which are cylindrical prickly pears.

Información Botánico 9

Cylindropuntia imbricata se conoce como Cardenche, es comúnmente encontrada en el suroeste de los EE.UU. y en el norte de México. Esta ha sido introducida en la zona continental de Australia, Zimbabwe, Nueva Zelanda, Sudáfrica y España cabe señalar que es considerada una especie invasiva en estas zonas. Es capaz de soportar climas más fríos que el cactus promedio. Se refiere comúnmente a esta como Cholla en Inglés y Cardenche en Español. su nombre científico Cylindropuntia imbricata significa tuna cilíndrica, dada la forma de su fruta.

Ecological Information 8

Ethnobotanical Information 8

Prickly pear fruits are used as a source of food. I have eaten them myself and experienced their popularity in Chihuahua, where they are known in Spanish as "tuna". Also, thanks to archaeological excavations, we know that the indigenous people of Arizona have eaten prickly pears for thousands of years. According to Slow Foods USA, the fruit from the cholla tree has been consumed by nursing mothers, elderly people, children, and the sick given its nutritional value. The fruits are high in calcium and two tablespoons of dried cholla buds contain as much calcium as one glass of milk. The buds are also rich in of soluble fiber. Unfortunately the use of this plant has fallen drastically given the wear and tear of traditions, and fewer people today are in contact with this ancestral heritage.

Información Etnobotánico 9

Actualmente sus tunas son usadas como fuente de alimento, yo mismo las he comido y visto su popularidad en Chihuahua. Gracias a excavaciones arqueológicas sabemos que los nativos de Arizona se han alimentado de esta tuna por miles de años. De hecho de acuerdo a Slow Foods USA esta clase de tuna ha sido utilizada en el cuidado de ancianos, niños y enfermos, dado su valor nutricional. Desafortunadamente el uso de esta planta ha caido drasticamente dado el desgaste de las tradiciones, podría decirse que solo los nativos americanos o los provincianos estamos en contacto con esta herencia ancestral.

References 8

Holtkamp, R. H. (2012). Cylindropuntia imbricata (Haw.) FM Knuth-rope pear Cylindropuntia rosea (DC.) Backeb.-Hudson pear. Biocontrol of weeds in Australia, 198-202.

Elorza, M. S., Vesperinas, E. S., & Sánchez, E. D. D. (2006). Futher naturalised cactaceae in northeastern Iberian Peninsula. In Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid (Vol. 63, No. 1, pp. 7-11). Real Jardín Botánico.

Ciolim, Cholla Cactus Flower Buds
Slow Food USA -

About the Author 8

Student author(s)*: Xavier C. from Atrisco Heritage High School

*The entries in this field guide have been edited by Yerba Mansa Project staff to ensure that they contain quality, fact-checked content and standardized formatting.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) John Marquis, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) Brandt Magic, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Brandt Magic
  3. (c) Drriss & Marrionn, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),
  4. (c) CameliaTWU, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  5. (c) Jerry Oldenettel, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),
  6. (c) Eric Barbier, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),
  7. Adapted by caseynm from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  8. Adapted by smiller33 from a work by (c) caseynm, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  9. (c) smiller33, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

Range Map

iNat Map

Color pink
Uses edible
Type cactus