Photo 45763376, (c) Jesús Mavárez, all rights reserved, uploaded by Jesús Mavárez

Attribution © Jesús Mavárez
all rights reserved
Uploaded by jesus_mavarez jesus_mavarez
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




November 7, 2013


Rosette: monocarpic, caulescent, stem height up to 8 m, mostly naked, with marcescent leaves only below the rosette. Leaf: open sheath, sessile, usually auriculate-amplectant above sheaths, adaxially glabrous or loosely hirsute, green, length 25–60 cm, width 4.5–10.0 cm, ratio 5–6:1, margins dentate, teeth 3–6 mm apart, bases of secondary nerves parallel, 3–8 mm apart. Inflorescence: terminal, compound, primary branching monochasial, corymboid-paniculate, length 35–70 cm, branched near the base, branches and sheaths of bracts reddish-purplish. Capitulum: outer phyllaries herbaceous, diameter 12–18 mm, ligular circle 24–35 mm, disc 11–13 mm, rose, reddish or purplish ray ligules (photo Serge Aubert).

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