Photo 9431998, (c) Ben Machado, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Ben Machado

Attribution © Ben Machado
some rights reserved
Uploaded by bennypoo bennypoo
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


West Indies Anole (Anolis oligaspis)




July 30, 2017 11:25 AM CDT


Not sure if oligaspis is more commonly considered a species or a subspecies. Sources seem to differ and all seem very old. Schwartz and Barbour both agree that it is a subspecies and they were the top Caribbean herp experts of their time. However, iNat provides both options and Reptile Database lists it as a full species. I'm leaning toward subspecies from what I've read.

UPDATE: iNat has made the subspecies taxon inactive, so I am treating A. oligaspis as a species here.

Associated taxa