Projects from Moldova

"Птицы Молдавии" icon

"Птицы Молдавии"

В Молдове известно 273 видa оседлых и перелетных птиц. Больше птиц в плавнях и на озерах; полевые угодья за...
Balkan birds icon

Balkan birds

Every spotted Balkan bird is in this project!
Birds of Moldova icon

Birds of Moldova

This project aims to gather observations of birds from Moldova. Acest proiect are ca scop colectarea obs...
Birds of Northern Eurasia (ex-USSR) icon

Birds of Northern Eurasia (ex-USSR)

Птицы территории стран Северной Евразии (бывшего СССР).
Ciuperci și Licheni din Republica Moldova icon

Ciuperci și Licheni din Republica Moldova

Specii de ciuperci și licheni observate în Republica Moldova.
Cortinicara gibbosa (minute brown scavenger beetle) icon

Cortinicara gibbosa (minute brown scavenger beetle)

Cortinicara gibbosa (minute brown scavenger beetle)
Cytisus icon


Flora of Moldova icon

Flora of Moldova

Here is data about distribution of vascular plants within Moldova
Forest specialist vascular plants in the Carpatho-Pannonian region 2. icon

Forest specialist vascular plants in the Carpatho-Pannonian region 2.

We are trying to collect data about the distribution of the selected forest specialist plants in the region...
Forest specialist vascular plants in the Carpatho-Pannonian region. icon

Forest specialist vascular plants in the Carpatho-Pannonian region.

We are trying to collect data about the distribution of the selected forest specialist plants in the region...
Gall wasps of eastern Europe icon

Gall wasps of eastern Europe

Project to collect and explore observation of gall wasps (Family Cynipidae) of the eastern european region ...
iNaturalist du Monde icon

iNaturalist du Monde

Aventurons nous, explorerons et partageons la faune et la flore du Monde. Projet créé par : "lafaunesauvag...
LBV-Hochschulgruppe Freising icon

LBV-Hochschulgruppe Freising

Das Projekt der LBV-Hochschulgruppe in Freising bietet die Möglichkeit, seine Funde mit anderen Naturbegeis...
Low Growth Countries and Territories icon

Low Growth Countries and Territories

Countries with low growth in iNat observations in 2023. Based on the [2023 Year In Review](https://www.inat...


Lista speciilor de plante vasculare din Republica Moldova!
Lumea vegetală a Republicii Moldova (briofite) icon

Lumea vegetală a Republicii Moldova (briofite)

Lista speciilor de briofite (mușchi) din Republica Moldova.
Mapeo del ailanto (y otras EEI) en Navarra icon

Mapeo del ailanto (y otras EEI) en Navarra

Esta iniciativa pretende abordar la creciente problemática ambiental que suponen las Especies Exóticas Inva...
Medicinal Plants and Fungi of Europe icon

Medicinal Plants and Fungi of Europe

Let’s explore the diversity of European plants and fungi traditionally used in folk medicine! Please, ne...
Moluște din Republica Moldova icon

Moluște din Republica Moldova

Specii de moluște observate în Republica Moldova.
Odonata complement to W Europe RG icon

Odonata complement to W Europe RG

Just all of Europe but RG status (myself subsequently excluded)
Odonata of Europe Needs Id icon

Odonata of Europe Needs Id

Just all of Europe but Needs Id status (NB myself excluded).
Odonata of Europe RG icon

Odonata of Europe RG

Just all of Europe but RG status (NB myself subsequently excluded).
PCVs of Moldova icon

PCVs of Moldova

This project houses the collective observations of Peace Corps Volunteers serving throughout Moldova. Th...
Păsări din Moldova icon

Păsări din Moldova

Lista speciilor de păsări observate în Republica Moldova.
Reptile și amfibii observate în Republica Moldova icon

Reptile și amfibii observate în Republica Moldova

Specii de amfibii și reptile observate în Republica Moldova.
Reptiles and amphibians of Moldova icon

Reptiles and amphibians of Moldova

This project aim to gather reptile and amphibian observations from Moldova.
Rhopalocères d'Europe icon

Rhopalocères d'Europe

Lister et repérer les Rhopalocères d'Europe et un peu plus
Specii din ordinul LEPIDOPTERA prezente pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova icon

Specii din ordinul LEPIDOPTERA prezente pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova

Specii de fluturi si molii din Republica Moldova / ORDINUL LEPIDOPTERA.
Sterlet (Danube population) icon

Sterlet (Danube population)

Discover the Danube population of the Sterlet. This was created as a component of a larger project represen...
Terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscidea) of ex-USSR and adjacent territories icon

Terrestrial Isopoda (Oniscidea) of ex-USSR and adjacent territories

Данный проект создан для наблюдения за биоразнообразием мокриц (Oniscidea) постсоветского пространства и пр...
Thomisidae of Europe icon

Thomisidae of Europe

A collection of European Thomisidae (Crab Spiders) observations from Europe and nearby territories.
Vertebrates of Moldova icon

Vertebrates of Moldova

This project aim to gather all observations of vertebrates from Moldova.
World Oceans Week - 2023 icon

World Oceans Week - 2023

This project is to recognize World Ocean Day June 8th, 2023 70% of the eart...
Z-Draft beroe mitrata icon

Z-Draft beroe mitrata

draft project
Z-Worldwide Marine Life icon

Z-Worldwide Marine Life

Contains organisms that would be found living in the marine environment. This is a work in progress. Diadro...
БГ-2023 Большой год по Северной Евразии / Big-Year of Birds of Northern Eurasia (ex-USSR) icon

БГ-2023 Большой год по Северной Евразии / Big-Year of Birds of Northern Eurasia (ex-USSR)

Большой год 2023. Северная Евразия | Big Year 2023. Northern Eurasia (ex-USSR) Первое на iNaturalist сос...
Летучие Мыши СНГ icon

Летучие Мыши СНГ

Летучие Мыши стран СНГ
Редкие беспозвоночные бывшего СССР. icon

Редкие беспозвоночные бывшего СССР.

В проекте собираются и обобщаются наблюдения всех видов редких, крупных, ярких, редко встречаемых, малоизуч...
Сicadas of the post-Soviet space icon

Сicadas of the post-Soviet space

Observations of сicadas of the Post-Soviet space
“Discovering and appreciating wild herbs together” icon

“Discovering and appreciating wild herbs together”

In the project "Discovering and appreciating wild herbs together", we would like to explore the diversity o...
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