Hello Everyone!

First I want to thank you all for your time and dedication over the past few months! We've done something novel and exciting here and there are only a few steps left toward completing this project.

The management team is going to be going through and reviewing observations to cut out any that don't fit the criteria of the project. In order to get everyone's observations entered and confirmed we are asking that each of you go back through your own observations to confirm the following:

  • Do your observations have a DATE, TIME, and LOCATION?
  • Do you have all your observations IDENTIFIED to the best taxonomic unit that you are able to discern?
  • Do any of you observations have CONTESTED IDENTIFICATIONS? If someone has suggested an alternate ID you have to agree or disagree with it to have your observation be counted!

We would hate to have to cut out anyone's observations for a reason as silly as "It didn't have a date" or "iNaturalist didn't know which ID to go with", but this is the only way we can make sure observations fit the criteria we set out. We will be announcing the users with the highest species only after we go through and make our corrections.

PLEASE go through your observations, make sure none will be removed due to not meeting the three criteria above, and have all changes complete by FRIDAY, JUNE 12th at MIDNIGHT!

Finally - If anyone has any photos from the bioblitz of you or others out looking for species we would appreciate if you would send them to us for the eventual wrap-up party.

Let's get the maximum number of species possible and meet at the wrap up party!

Nick L and the Management Team

Posted on June 8, 2015 03:47 PM by nicklorufrey nicklorufrey


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