

Fog maps help find inland locations of fog lichens

Researchers from the USGS, as part of the Pacific Coast Fog Project, produced some really cool fog maps:

These maps show the coastal fog zone as fog and low cloud contours. The contours represent the average number of hours of fog and low clouds/day during the summer months. These maps have been extremely helpful in locating fog lichen occurrences farther inland than expected. The maps clearly show where fog flows inland through gaps in the topography, like the Petaluma Gap and Golden Gate. We can now target our fog lichen mapping effort in these inland foggy areas.

Pilot data from the fog lichen study show that Niebla homalea abundance is positively correlated with amount of summer fog and nearly all of the mapped occurrences of this species are from areas with more than four hours of fog/day in the ...more ↓

Posted on May 8, 2017 06:06 PM by sbenson sbenson | 0 comments | Leave a comment

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This project was established to better map the distribution of lichens restricted to the coastal fog zone of California. This data is being used in an ongoing study to assess the use of fog zone lichens as indicators of climate change.

Along the California coast, atmospheric and oceanic forces interact to create a unique habitat known as the coastal fog zone, characterized by ...more ↓

sbenson created this project on November 17, 2016
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