
Animalia Chordata Mammalia Carnivora Canidae Vulpes Vulpes zerda

Taxonomic notes: This species has been included in the genus Fennecus (e.g., Coetzee 1977), but is here retained in Vulpes following Wozencraft (2005).


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Geographic Range

Widespread in the sandy deserts and semi-deserts of northern Africa, ranging from Western Sahara and Mauritania to northern Sinai (Asa et al. 2004; Asa and Cuzin 2013); may occur south to around 14ºN (Dragesco-Joffé 1993; Granjon et al. 1995). References to sightings of Fennec Fox in the United Arab Emirates were based on an animal in the Al Ain zoo (Al-Robbae 1982), which was, in fact, a Rüppell's Fox (Gasperetti et al. 1985). Thesiger (1949) reported Fennec tracks in the region of Abu Dhabi, but there are no confirmed records of the species in the Arabian Peninsula.


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They are common throughout the Sahara (Harrison and Bates 1991). The only documented regression concerns northern Moroccan Sahara, where the species disappeared during the 1960s from four localities, which were restricted sandy areas close to permanent human settlements (Asa and Cuzin 2013). Otherwise, the population is assumed to be adequate based on the observations that the Fennec is still commonly trapped and sold commercially in northern Africa. In southern Morocco, they are commonly seen in all sandy areas away from permanent human settlements (Asa and Cuzin 2013).


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Fennec Foxes subsist in arid desert environments, preferring this substrate for burrowing. Stable sand dunes are believed to be ideal habitat (Dorst and Dandelot 1969; Coetzee 1977), although they also live in very sparsely vegetated sand dunes near the Atlantic coast (F. Cuzin, pers. obs.). Annual rainfall is less than 100 mm per year on the northern fringe of their distribution. On the southern fringe, it may be found up to the Sahelian areas that receive as much as 300 mm rainfall per year. In the Sahara, sparse vegetation is usually dominated by Aristida spp., and Ephedra alata in large sand dunes. In small sand dunes, it is dominated by Panicum turgidum, Zygophyllum spp., and sometimes by trees like Acacia spp. and Capparis deciduas (Asa and Cuzin 2013).


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Use Trade

In Morocco, and presumably elsewhere, young foxes are sometimes captured for sale to tourists and for photographic exhibition; adults are sometimes taken for their fur (Asa and Cuzin 2013).


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There are no major range-wide threats to the species, but locally the main threat appears to be trapping for exhibition or sale to tourists. Though restricted to marginal areas, new permanent human settlements such as those in southern Morocco have resulted in the disappearance of foxes in these areas (F. Cuzin, pers. obs.).


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Specific Threats

  • 1.1 Housing & urban areas
  • 5.1.1 Intentional use (species is the target)


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Conservation Actions

Listed in CITES – Appendix II. Legally protected in Morocco (including Western Sahara), Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt. Occurs in a number of protected areas throughout its range.

The North American Regional Studbook (Bauman 2002) lists some 839 individuals held in the North American region between 1900 and 2001. At the end of 2001, there were 131 individuals in 51 institutions. The Australian Regional Studbook lists 81 historically, with only 12 in the captive population at present. Although foxes occur in European zoos, there is no studbook or management plan. Fennecs are also kept as pets and bred privately.

While studies of captive animals have gone some way towards improving our knowledge of this little-known species (particularly as regards reproduction), much remains unknown of their basic ecology and behaviour in the wild. An in-depth study of the species, with particular emphasis on habitat use and population dynamics in the wild is overdue.


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Specific Actions

  • 2.1 Site/area management


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Red List Rationale

Listed as Least Concern as the species is relatively widespread in the sandy deserts and semi-deserts of northern Africa to northern Sinai, and there currently are no known major range-wide threats believed to be resulting in a population decline that would warrant listing in a threatened category.


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  • Al-Robbae, K. 1982. Northeast extension of the geographic distribution of fennec fox Fennecus zerda (Zimmermann) in the Arabian Peninsula. Bulletin Basrah Natural History Museum 5: 61-64.
  • Asa, C.S. and Cuzin, F. 2013. Vulpes zerda Fennec Fox. In: Kingdon, J. S. and Hoffmann, M. (eds), Mammals of Africa. Volume 5. Carnivores, Pangolins, Equids and Rhinoceroses., pp. 74-77. Bloomsbury, London.
  • Asa, C. S., Valdespino, C. and Cuzin, F. 2004. Fennec Fox Vulpes zerda (Zimmermann, 1780). In: C. Sillero-Zubiri, M. Hoffmann and D. W. Macdonald (eds), Canids: Foxes, Wolves, Jackals and Dogs. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan, pp. 205–209. IUCN, Gland.
  • Baillie, J. and Groombridge, B. (comps and eds). 1996. 1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  • Bauman, K. L. 2002. Fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) North American Regional Studbook. Saint Louis Zoological Park, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
  • Coetzee, C. G. 1977. Order Carnivora. Part 8. In: J. Meester and H. W. Setzer (eds), The Mammals of Africa: An Identification Manual, pp. 42 pp.. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, USA.
  • Cuzin, F. 1996. Répartition actuelle et statut des grands mammifères sauvages du Maroc (Primates, Carnivores, Artiodactyles). Mammalia 60: 101-124.
  • Dorst, J. and Dandelot, P. 1970. A field guide to the large mammals of Africa. Collins, London, UK.
  • Dragesco-Joffe, A. 1993. Le chat des sables, un redoutable chasseur de serpents [The sand cat - a formidable snake hunter]. La Vie Sauvage du Sahara, pp. 129 pp.. Delachaux et Niestlé, Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Gasperetti, J., Harrison, D. L. and Büttiker, W. 1985. The carnivora of Saudi Arabia. In: W. Büttiker and F. Krupp (eds), Fauna of Saudi Arabia, pp. 397-461. Pro Entomologica c/o Natural History Museum Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
  • Granjon, L., Cosson, J.-F., Cuisin, J., Tranier, M. and Colas, F. 1995. Les mammifères du littoral mauritanien. 2. Biogéographie et écologie. Actes du Colloque Environnement et littoral mauritanien, pp. 73-81. Nouakchott, Mauritania.
  • Groombridge, B. (ed.). 1994. 1994 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  • Harrison, D. L. and Bates, P. J. J. 1991. The Mammals of Arabia. Harrison Zoological Museum, Sevenoaks, UK.
  • IUCN. 1990. IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK.
  • Noll-Banholzer, U. 1979. Water balance and kidney structure in the fennec. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 62: 593-597.
  • Saleh, M. A. and Basuony, M. 1998. A contribution to the mammalogy of the Sinai Peninsula. Mammalia 62: 557–575.
  • Thesiger, W. 1949. A further journey across the empty quarter. Geographical Journal 113: 21-46.
  • Wozencraft, W. C. 2005. Order Carnivora. In: D. E. Wilson and D. M. Reeder (eds), Mammal Species of the World: A taxonomic and geographic reference. Third Edition, pp. 532-628. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC, USA.


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