Thursday 2/11/2021, 9 am

I walked with Ross from 9:00-9:15 am.
We documented all the newts that were marked with flags on 2/10 morning. Stacie marked 83 newts at 9 am, from the parking lot until a bit after Array #2 (flags 1-84, #80 doesn't exist).
Newt #12 and #14 moved around, and were no longer next to their flags, so they were marked as missing. The rest of the newts were still there.
All numbered newts were entered into this project.
26 additional newts, without flags, will be added into this project?
The weather was sunny, nice. The last rain was last week.
Traffic: 10 truck, 18 cars??, 7 bikes, 13 pedestrians, about 25 parked cars on the road and in the parking lot.

Posted on February 13, 2021 02:00 AM by merav merav


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