Taxonomic Swap 36644 (Committed on 2019-01-01)

Tuskes et al. 1996 in "The Wild Silk Moths of North America" were the last authors to reinstate Sphingicampa as a valid genus, different from Syssphinx (type species S. molina). It seems that most researchers (Brechlin & Meister 2014, Naumann et al. 2015) describing new Neotropical species of Syssphinx/Sphingicampa have ignored this change, placing recently described species in Syssphinx. Most recently Kitching & Rougerie et al. (2018) treated Sphingicampa as a synonym of Syssphinx. So, for right now that is the taxonomy as it stands. Surely this issue is not solved and until the type species of both Syssphinx and Sphingicampa (and many other species of Syssphinx/Sphingicampa) are studied in a phylogenetic context, we cannot recognize Sphingicampa as valid on iNaturalist.

A global checklist of the Bombycoidea... (Citation)
Added by rstlaurent on August 13, 2018 09:50 PM | Committed by d_kluza on January 1, 2019
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