Heads up: Some or all of the identifications affected by this split may have been replaced with identifications of Androsace. This happens when we can't automatically assign an identification to one of the output taxa. Review identifications of Androsace chamaejasme 130536

Taxonomic Split 61882 (Committed on 2019-08-30)

Androsace chamaejasme:


Distribution: Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, Yugoslavia

Doubtful in: East European Russia and North European Russia

Androsace lehmanniana:

(syn. Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmanniana, Androsace chamaejasme ssp. andersonii, Androsace chamaejasme var. arctica, Androsace chamaejasme ssp. capitata, Androsace chamaejasme ssp. carinata)


Distribution: Alaska, Alberta, Aleutian Is., British Columbia, Colorado, Idaho, Japan, Kamchatka, Kazakhstan, Khabarovsk, Korea, Kuril Is., Magadan, Montana, New Mexico, Northwest Territorie, Nunavut, Sakhalin, Tadzhikistan, Utah, Uzbekistan, Wyoming, Yukon

It has been also recorded from Mongolia (https://floragreif.uni-greifswald.de/taxon/?flora_search=Taxon&taxon_id=500)

Added by kai_schablewski on August 31, 2019 05:05 AM | Committed by kai_schablewski on August 30, 2019
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