Teri Lamphere

Joined: Feb 17, 2013 Last Active: Jan 29, 2019

For the past decade, I have been obsessed with spotting and photographing moose. While on these journeys, I have developed an interest in all wildlife, which in turn led to wanting to learn more about plants, trees, tracking, etc. I try to get a shot of everything I see... easier said than done. My husband and I also use Game cameras which give an advantage of accurate dates, times, temperatures, moon phases, etc. These statistics are beneficial in determining habits of various animals. I have always wanted to record my sightings and be able to get feedback from others to learn as much a possible - This site is just perfect for that!
I dare to mention that I spotted a Catamount cub in Belvidere in April 2006. With no camera and no knowledge about how to track and collect evidence, it has become just a memory. I have dedicated a lot of time researching these elusive animals since then. If you or anyone you know has a potential catamount sighting in Vt, then please contace me via email... CataMissionVt@gmail.com
I keep a database of sightings and interviews to see if there are any patterns. If I am notified immediately after an alleged sighting then I am willing to track the animal depending on location and day of the week. I believe that some day in the near future there will be proof of existence then New England can take them off the extinct list.

tagl65 is not following anyone.