UVM Ornithology Field Journal 5

On April 8, 2024, I went with my friends to Waterman Green to watch the solar eclipse and thought it was the perfect time also do my birding. I got there at around 1:00pm and stayed until 4:10pm but only was birding from 1:30-2:30pm. The weather at this point was a beautiful 57 degrees Fahrenheit and minimal wind mph. The green has multiple tree types and lots of grass with walking paths, benches, and a fountain. On April 8th, it was especially busy due to the eclipse so I'm assuming why less birds were out. The only birds I saw were Ring-billed Gulls and they were also the only birds I heard due to how many people were on green.

Posted on April 11, 2024 02:17 AM by carlybills carlybills


Photos / Sounds


Ring-billed Gull (Larus delawarensis)




April 8, 2024


I couldn't get an audio of it because so many people were outside for the eclipse.


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