

Brood XIX Cicada Emergence and Bug Blitz! - June 8th

There is an ongoing mega-invasion at Runge! In the month of May, on any given day, hundreds of school children may descend upon the nature center. Each night, thousands of migrating birds may land looking for refuge. And, as you read this, millions of periodical cicadas are beginning to emerge on the nature center grounds.

Brood XIX (The Great Southern Brood) is well on its way, with individuals beginning to emerge. Soon, up to 1,000,000 cicadas may cover every acre of forest in the area. Brood XIX are 13-year periodical cicadas, which mean that they live under ground in the nymphal stage for 13 years before emerging as one collective group to sing, breed, and lay eggs. There are four different species of 13-year periodical cicada that can be found in this particular brood, with three expected to be found in the Jefferson City area. This is where you come in.

Help us observe what species of periodical cicadas can be found on the Runge property. This can be done ...more ↓

Posted on May 7, 2024 08:53 PM by amlambert11 amlambert11 | 0 comments | Leave a comment
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The Runge Biodiversity Project is designed to enhance our understanding of species diversity at the Runge Conservation Nature Center in Jefferson City. The goal is to empower Missouri citizens to learn more about and enjoy the biodiversity that is all around them. Data obtained from this project will be used in interpretive programs and in helping Missouri Department of Conservation staff ...more ↓

amlambert11 created this project on March 13, 2017
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