Final Tally and Participant Survey


This will likely be the last post I put in the project journal. I wanted to give a final wrap-up on our project statistics, give you all some links to see how the larger City Nature Challenge went, and also provide a link for a survey to help us gather a little information on the project and improve it for future years.

Our project statistics:

  • 6,691 observations
  • 1,378 species
  • 261 observers
  • 346 identifiers
  • 53.95% (3,609/6,691) to Research Grade
  • Top observers both for total observations and species: @ltomko and @anna120

If you are interested in checking on the outcomes of the overall project, here are the links for those pages:

And last, but not least, I created a very short survey to try and learn a bit more about your feelings on this event and what we can do to make it better in future years! Link here:

My deepest gratitude to everyone who went out and added observations, or made even a single identification.


Posted on May 6, 2024 01:06 PM by trav_kurtz trav_kurtz


Thanks for organizing this @trav_kurtz ! I had a great time trying to find as many things as possible—I don’t know who you are @ltomko but I’m not used to being out-observed, well done!

I’d love to do more challenges if anyone else would like to—and they could be focused, general, long, short, etc. Is there a West Michigan iNat community? I haven’t used the message boards much, if there isn’t something already I’d love to connect with people somehow.

Happy iNatting all!

Posted by anna120 27 days ago

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