FPDDC Cicada Adventures 2024's Journal

Journal archives for April 2024

April 29, 2024

Nymphs Near Emergence

With great anticipation we wait for the mass emergence of Magicicada in 2024. On April 23 the first Magicicada observations of the project were made at Fullersburg Woods and Maple Grove forest preserves. Nymphs were found just below the surface of the ground; underneath rocks, logs and other items embedded more than one inch, there are cicada tunnels that terminate just below. Some of these tunnels have nymphs, a little sluggish, poking out their heads. At this time, it is difficult to distinguish the species of the nymphs.

Observations of nymphs made on April 29 at Blackwell forest preserve tell a different story. As logs were turned over, nymphs quickly scuttled back into their tunnels. Those poking out retreated backwards down the hole. This increased reaction speed and movement is a sign that emergence will soon be here.

Posted on April 29, 2024 05:43 PM by naturalist_glenn naturalist_glenn | 0 comments | Leave a comment

April 30, 2024

Distinguishing Magicicada Species

The 2024 Magicicada emergence will comprise of three species of 17-year cicada in the forest preserves. Though the nymphs are rather indistinguishable, the adults may be identified down to species.

Differences in visual appearances are subtle. Pharaoh Cicada has orange and black stripes on its abdomen while Cassin's Cicada has a nearly all-black abdomen (but may show slight orange edging on the abdomen sections). Cassin's Cicada is smaller than the Pharoah Cicada. Decula is about the same size as Cassin's Cicada but the abdomen is black with orange stripes. The big difference between Decula and Cassin's Cicadas is the female Decula's ovipositor will be exposed while the female Cassin's ovipositor will be hidden away.

This video by Cicada Mania does a great job of breaking down species differences:

The best way to identify what cicadas are around is to listen to their songs. 4-5 days after emergence, males cicadas begin singing and each of the three species have a unique song!

Cassin's Cicada has a song that starts with a series of clicks followed by a rising buzz.

Decula Cicada has a song that is a series of rhytmic, raspy buzzes that become more rapid in pace before transitioning into lisp sounds.

Pharaoh Cicada has low droning call that is finished with a downward drop in tone.
"waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-ooooh, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay-ooooh"

This website has some great recordings of Magicicada to help you learn their songs a little better.

Using the record audio option on iNaturalist will allow you to add recordings of cicada songs to the project. This will be valuable in helping our ecologists to know the species compositions across forest preserves.

Posted on April 30, 2024 07:29 PM by naturalist_glenn naturalist_glenn | 0 comments | Leave a comment
