Blue-breasted Quail

Coturnix chinensis

Summary 2

The King Quail (Coturnix chinensis), also known as the Blue-breasted Quail or Asian Blue Quail, is sometimes considered conspecific with the African Blue Quail (C. adansonii).

This species is the smallest "true quail" and is quite common in aviculture worldwide. In the wild they range from southeastern Asia to Oceania with 10 different subspecies.

This is a rare resident in Singapore.

It inhabits grasslands.

The male is a distinctive blue bird, while the female is brownish.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Sandy Rae, some rights reserved (CC BY),
  2. Adapted by Tan Kok Hui from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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