Low Hop Clover

Trifolium dubium

Summary 7

Trifolium dubium, the lesser hop trefoil or suckling clover is a plant in the family Fabaceae. This species is generally accepted as the primary plant to represent the traditional Irish Shamrock.

Miscellaneous details 8

"Notes: Western Ghats, Naturalized, Native of Mediterranean Region"

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Bastiaan, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), http://www.flickr.com/photos/84474308@N00/3602103364
  2. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://www.biopix.com/PhotosMedium/JCS%20Trifolium%20dubium%2053067.JPG
  3. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://www.biopix.com/PhotosMedium/JCS%20Trifolium%20dubium%2053066.JPG
  4. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://www.biopix.com/PhotosMedium/JCS%20Trifolium%20dubium%2053059.JPG
  5. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://www.biopix.com/PhotosMedium/JCS%20Trifolium%20dubium%2053058.JPG
  6. (c) Biopix, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://www.biopix.com/PhotosMedium/JCS%20Trifolium%20dubium%2048765.JPG
  7. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trifolium_dubium
  8. (c) India Biodiversity Portal, some rights reserved (CC BY), http://eol.org/data_objects/26344399

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