Disynstemon paullinioides

Plant descriptions 2

Leaves digitately trifoliolate, smaller on the side shoots than on main stems; Leaflets ovate to elliptic, the lateral leaflets asymmetrical, 20 - 90 (-120) x 12 - 40 mm, glabrous to thinly pubescent above and beneath, usually with a tuft of whitish hairs on either side of the base of the midvein beneath, mid green and matt above, paler beneath. Calyx (3-) 5 mm long, saucer-shaped at maturity, flat with 4 broad, spreading lobes giving a square shape, the upper lobe notched, pubescent. Pods sessile, cylindrical, 40 - 100 x 12 - 17 mm, blunt and rounded apically with a very small, oblique beak, silvery with a dense, softly velvety pubescence, splitting into 2 spiralling valves.

Elevation 2

50 - 800 m

Similar species 2

Syn. Disynstemon madagascariense ; Lonchocarpus paullinioides

Référence 2

David Du Puy & al. 2002.- The Leguminosae of Madagascar. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) MBG, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), http://images.mobot.org/tropicosthumbnails/TropicosImages2/130/13058739_001.jpg
  2. (c) Romer Rabarijaona, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

Range Map

(c) @KMCC, some rights reserved (CC-BY-SA)

iNat Map

Taxonomy:family Fabaceae
Flowering month December, February, January, November
Vegetation Wooded grassland mosaic
Plant growth form Vines
Color mauve purple