Burying Beetles


Summary 3

Burying beetles or sexton beetles (genus Nicrophorus) are the best-known members of the family Silphidae (carrion beetles). Most of these beetles are black with red markings on the elytra (forewings). Burying beetles are true to their name- they bury the carcasses of small vertebrates such as birds and rodents as a food source for their larvae. They are unusual among insects in that both the male and female parents take care of the brood.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Dave, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), http://www.flickr.com/photos/83993153@N00/2943175246
  2. (c) anonymous, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), http://www.biopix.com/photos/SDL-Nicrophorus-humator-00003.jpg
  3. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicrophorus

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