The Channel in a Motorboat

About two weeks ago I went out in the channel with Garrett, Hannah, and Shelley to set shrimp down into the channel and film them being eaten for their MERE project. We left before lunch, and it was a beautifully sunny day, and slightly breezy. We saw a ton of wildlife, much more than can usually be seen from shore. We saw Dahl's porpoises, Harbor porpoises, and Steller's sea lions: all right around the shallow shoal off the harbor. I had never seen so many large marine mammals before. The Porpoises were swimming parallel to our boat for a short time after they just appeared from beneath the waves around us. We also saw a lot of birds on the water; some that were really cool dunked below the water as we went by and didn't come up for some time. We also saw some Glaucous wing gulls and Western Gulls. When we were setting the shrimp apparatus, the Steller's sea lion came up to investigate our boat. It was a beautiful day on the channel and we saw some great charismatic megafauna. It could only have been better if we had seen some killer whales!

Posted on November 30, 2012 06:49 AM by bncantrell bncantrell


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