Centennial Park

February 19, 2016
On a last minute decision I decided to go for a walk this morning around 8 am. It was about 15 degrees outside, yet felt much colder. I had a friend drop me off at the entrance of the Centennial Woods Park area. As soon as I began on the trail I heard a woodpecker pecking a tree. In a search to find out what it was a followed the noise into the woods just a little bit and rather close to me was a Hairy Woodpecker. It was medium in size and appeared to be female; however, I am not confident on that sexual identification.
As soon as I continued on the path I could hear a variety of birds most of which were chickadees and what I believed was red-breasted nuthatches. I identified the call as red breasted because it sounded more hollow or nasally than the white-breasted. Further into my walk I did see a red-breasted nuthatch up in a tree. There were many other bird calls in the woods at that time; however, I was unable to identify what they were. There was a call that sounded as though it may have been a finch based on what I know thus far.
After about 25 minutes of walking or so I decided to turn around and head back toward campus. I continued to hear many birds but was not able to see very many. One thing that I noticed was how the birds have acclimated to the sounds of the airplanes taking off and landing. Even when airplanes went overhead the birds did not stop their calls. As I was exiting the woods I did see a pair of crows right along the edge of the woods.
All in all it was good to get out there and see some birds; however, I was hoping to get my eyes on a few more species while out there. The Hairy Woodpecker was by far the highlight of my walk seeing as it was the closest bird I got to all morning. It was neat to see a Hairy Woodpecker up close. I do wish I had a chance to capture it on camera, but by the time I had thought of taking a picture it was too late.

Posted on February 20, 2016 02:56 AM by mdpalmer mdpalmer


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Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus)




February 19, 2016


There was a Hairy Woodpecker as I entered Centennial Woods. It was pecking on a tree. Once I got close enough to identify it the pecking stopped and it flew away. It was mostly black with a large bill and a white stomach.

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Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)




February 19, 2016


There were Chickadees all throughout the woods. Not only did I see them but I also heard them during the duration of my walk.

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Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis)




February 19, 2016


At first I just heard the call. I was unsure as to if it was red-breasted or white-breasted. About 20 minutes into my walk I saw a red-breasted nuthatch perched up rather high in a tree.

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American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)




February 19, 2016


There were crows which I also just heard at first and did not actually see one until I was almost done with my walk.


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