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Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris)


October 7, 2014


Se denomina perro mestizo al perro sin pedigrí, cuya ascendencia es generalmente desconocida, que tiene características de dos o más tipos de razas, o es descendientes de poblaciones de perros salvajes o callejeros. "Raza aleatoria" es un término genético para referirse a un animal, población, o raza que se crió y desarrolló sin la intervención planificada de los seres humanos, y cuyo ancestro y composición son generalmente desconocidos.

Un perro mestizo o de raza mixta es un perro que no pertenece a ninguna raza reconocida por organizaciones de criadores y que es resultado de una crianza no selectiva.1

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Rue (Ruta graveolens)


October 8, 2014


Rue (Ruta) is a genus of evergreen subshrubs strongly flavored 2-6 meters high, of the family Rutaceae, native to the Mediterranean region, Macaronesia and southwest Asia. Different authors accept between 8-40 species in the genus. The sp. Best known is the common rue Ruta graveolens. While it is used "forever" as a medicinal plant, has a very strong toxicity, according to the uses and doses.

Leaves bipinnate or tripinnadas with a leathery appearance, from green to strongly glaucous blue-green. Flowers yellow, with 4-5 petals, about 1 cm in diameter, and tops. Fruit 4-5 lobed capsule with numerous seeds.

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Aloe Vera (Aloe vera)


October 8, 2014


Aloe vera also known as aloe, aloe vera, aloe Barbados aloe or Curacao, among others, is a succulent of Asphodeloideae subfamily within the family Xanthorrhoeaceae plant.
Bush acaule or short covered in leaves, stolons, with stem up to 30 cm, erect, without lateral regrowth stem. The leaves are 40-50 for 5-8 cm and are densely clustered in a basal rosette of up to 20 sheets; are narrowly triangular-lanceolate, canaliculadas, straight, erect-patent, herbaceous, a gray-green, glaucous, except stains without clear spots on the young-shoots, toothed only at the margin, with teeth about 2 mm, thick, hard, retrorse, a lighter colored than the limbo. The inflorescence, including the stem, has about 70-100 cm high, 30-50 cluster 5-6 cm, simple, dense at anthesis and fruiting. The floral bracts present-and scattered and few in the flower stalk below the inflorescencia- have 8-11 for 5-6 mm and are triangular, acuminate, membranous and light brown ridges parallel. The flowers shortly pedicellate, are sub-erect in preanthesis, patents anthesis and then pendulous when mature and fruiting; pedicels have 4-5 mm, are somewhat accrescent and reach 7 mm in fruiting. Perianto, 25-30 mm, is tubuloso, slightly tapered at the base, and yellow; external tépalos are welded to the lower half of its length. The stamens, exserted, measuring 30-35 mm. The fruit is a capsule 6-8 mm 20-25, with half-centimeter seeds, excluding alas.1.

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Cabbage Trees and Allies (Genus Cordyline)


October 7, 2014


Nandina domestica is a species of shrub belonging to the family of berberidáceas
It is an erect shrub that reaches 2 feet tall with numerous unbranched stems growing from the root. The leaves are evergreen (sometimes deciduous in cold regions), 50-100 cm long, bi or individual wings tripinnadas 4-11 cm x 1.5-3 cm. The young leaves in spring are brightly colored pink or red then turn green; mature leaves turn red or purple before his fall. The flowers are white produced in summer in a conical array on the foliage. The fruit is a bright red berry 5-10 mm diameter falling in late autumn and often continues for the winter.

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Monocots (Class Liliopsida)


October 7, 2014


Bambusoideae is the name of a subfamily of plants belonging to the grass family Poaceae or, one of the largest and most important for man botanical families. Its common name is bamboo. Bamboos can be small plants less than 1 m long and the stems (culms) of an inch in diameter, although there are giants about 25 m high and 30 cm in diameter. Furthermore, although the true bamboos always have their woody stems, this does not occur in some species.

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Palms (Family Arecaceae)


October 8, 2014


The Arecaceae (scientific name Arecaceae synonymous Palmae), are a family of monocot plants, the only family of the order Arecales (synonymous Main). Usually known as the palms or palms. This important family is easy to recognize. They are woody (but no secondary growth of the trunk, only primary) plants. Despite being monocots many are arborescent, with large leaves arranged at the top of the stem, usually pinnate (pinnatisectas) or slapping (palmatisectas). Its flowers have 3 sepals and 3 petals, arranged in inflorescences include one or more spathes. The fruit is fleshy: a berry or a drupe. They are widely distributed in tropical to temperate regions, but mainly in warmer regions

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Roses (Genus Rosa)


October 7, 2014


Roses are among the most common flowers sold by florists. The rose is one of the most popular garden plants, including rose gardens there are specific grounds called, where members of the genus, whose range is so extensive miniature roses ranging from 10 to 15 Cm tall shrubs exposed to large only climbers reaching several meters in height or creeping used as ground cover.

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White Mulberry (Morus alba)


October 7, 2014


Morus alba, commonly Morera, is a tree species belonging to the genus Morus, Moraceae family.
Trees up to 15 m tall, with grayish young branches. Leaves with petiole 1.5-2 cm and 4-6 limbo for 4-5 cm, more or less ovate, subacute, irregularly toothed or lobed, obliquely cordate, thin, glabrous except along the veined, light green . Infructescences (sorosis) of the length of their stems (2.5 per 1 cm), white or pinkish-white, which are the blackberries; often result insípidas.1

It flowers in April; fruiting in May.

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Spindles and Structured Lichens (Family Cladoniaceae)


October 8, 2014


Believe it or not, white moss is not moss, but a lichen of the family Cladoniaceae (order of Lecanorales). Gender is one of the most diversified (about 400 species) and may have some visible primary thallus (vegetative body), which leaves a podecio (esporífero carrier device), branched and upright, very apparent. Our protagonist belongs to the subgenus Cladina like the rest of 'reindeer lichen' - which is characterized by a very small primary thallus, and a prolific and highly branched apothecium. It is the most commonly seen and has little attachment to the substrate, to the point that a gust of wind can knock off a piece, which, as propagule disperses the species

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Spider Wasps (Family Pompilidae)


October 6, 2014


Fire ants or fire ants (Solenopsis) are a genus of ants forage, with over 280 species worldwide.

His body, like all insect body is separated into three sections: head, thorax, abdomen, three pairs of legs and a pair of antennae. It can be distinguished from other ants by its bronze brown head and body with darker abdomen. The "workers" are blackish to reddish, and their size varies from 2 mm to 6 These differences may exist in the same nest. In Australia it is difficult to detect and identify them to order their eradication more of this genre; in Queensland for its resemblance to another invasive species, the "coastal brown" (Pheidole megacephala).

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Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris)


September 24, 2014


In the origins of the race, and schnauzer Pinscher were basically classified as the same type of race. Only differentiated by the structure of the hair. Subsequently, the separate standard schnauzer type prevailed, so hard that the animal hair, which was first known as rauhhaariger Pinscher, now known as Schnauzer
The schnauzer comes from Württemberg, Germany and its former dates back to medieval dogs as the dog beaver and some local shepherds. Originally the small schnauzer was used in southern Germany as a stable dog, and was the zeal with which he hunted rats and mice, which earned him the nickname rattler (Buzzard) .6

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Conifers (Order Pinales)


October 6, 2014


Pinus is a genus of vascular plants (usually trees, rarely shrubs), commonly called pine belonging to the group of conifers and, within that, to the family of Pinaceae, exhibiting often whorled and more or less regular branching.

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Sunflowers, Daisies, Asters, and Allies (Family Asteraceae)


October 6, 2014


Helianthus annuus, commonly called sunflower calom, halter, marigold, sunflower, corn tlapololote or tile, is originally from America and cultivated as a food, oilseed and ornamental worldwide annual herbaceous plant of the family Asteraceae.

Annual plants (as indicated by its specific name Latin: annuus) that can measure three meters high. The stems are usually erect and hispidus. Most leaves are cauline, alternate, petiolate, cordate based and serrated edges

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Chinese Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)


October 6, 2014


The genus includes from herbaceous annuals or perennials to small shrubs and small trees. The leaves are alternate, simple, ovate to lanceolate, often with serrated or lobed margin. The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped, with five petals, in shades of white roses, red, purple or yellow, orange, 4-15 cm in size.

The fruit is a capsule containing several seeds in each lócul
Hibiscus, commonly hibiscus, is the name of a large genus of around 150 accepted species of the more than 1,000 described, 2 of the Malvaceae family, warm environments typical in tropical and subtropical regions.

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Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citrodora)


October 6, 2014


Aloysia citriodora, known as lemon verbena, lemongrass and verbena de Indias, is a species of the Verbenaceae family, is characterized by a lemon-like aroma. It is native to South America, where it grows wild.

It is grown very extensively in gardens, but developing it requires a sunny, humid weather. It is used in food as a spice and to prepare a refreshing digestive infusion.

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Goldfish (Carassius auratus)


October 6, 2014


The fish (scientifically named Pisces) are aquatic vertebrates usually ectothermic (regulate its temperature from the environment) most of them covered with scales, and equipped with fins, allowing its continuous movement in aquatic environments, and gills, which capture the oxygen dissolved in the water. Pisces is a superclass being paraphyletic.

Fish are abundant in both salt water and fresh water, being able to find species from mountain streams (eg gobies) and deep ocean (eg, Swallow eels).

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Chamomiles, Yarrows, and Allies (Tribe Anthemideae)


October 6, 2014


It is an annual plant between 20-50 cm tall, erect stems branched and somewhat hairy.

The basal leaves are arranged Anacyclus clavatus rosette, are elongated, deeply divided and pinnate, ending in small mucrones.

The inflorescences, daisy-shaped, forming chapters with white ray florets and yellow central florets

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Key Lime (Citrus × aurantiifolia)


Missing Date


Citrus × limon, lemon, fruit is a small evergreen tree that can reach more than 4 m in height. Its fruit is lemon (Arabic ليمون, laimon, Persian Laimu or laimún1) an edible fruit acid and extremely fragrant flavor used in food. The lemon has a smooth bark and wood prized for cabinet work hard, yellowish wood. Botanically, it is a hybrid species between C. medica (citron or French lemon) and C. aurantium (bitter orange) .2 While others believe it is the result of various backcrosses between Citrus and Citrus medica × aurantifolia.3

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Calla Lily (Zantedeschia aethiopica)


Missing Date


Zantedeschia aethiopica (common names calla lily, arum lily; a.k.a. varkoor, an Afrikaans name meaning 'pig's ear') is a species in the family Araceae, native to southern Africa in Lesotho, South Africa, and Swaziland.
It is a rhizomatous herbaceous perennial plant, evergreen where rainfall and temperatures are adequate, deciduous where there is a dry season. Its preferred habitat is in streams and ponds or on the banks. It grows to 0.6–1 m (2–3 ft) tall, with large clumps of broad, arrow shaped dark green leaves up to 45 cm (18 in) long. The Inflorescences are large and are produced in spring, summer and autumn, with a pure white spathe up to 25 cm (10 in) and a yellow spadix up to 90 mm (3½ in) long.[2

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Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris)


October 5, 2014


The Beagle is a breed of dog of small to medium size. Foxhound have a similar appearance, but smaller, with shorter legs and longer, softer ears.

They are popular as pets because of their size intelligent animals, and calm character and lack of congenital health problems. These characteristics also make them an option as experimental subject in vivo.

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Geraniums and Storksbills (Genus Pelargonium)


October 6, 2014


The genus Geranium, commonly called geranium brings together 422 species of annuals, biennials and perennials often used in landscaping for their attractive flowers and distinctive aroma. Its habitat includes all temperate regions of the world including the mountainous areas of the tropics, but are mostly in the eastern Mediterranean region. Includes 1216 described species and of these, only 411 aceptadas.1

Coincidentally, geranium is also the common name with respect, especially in the subtropics to several species of the genus Pelargonium (P. hortorum, P. domesticum and P. peltatum) that includes geraniums and also from the Geraniaceae family; which causes confusion. Formerly the Geranium genus included species of the genus Pelargonium.

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Domestic Dog (Canis familiaris)


September 16, 2014


Dogs were probably the first tame animals
Some scientists assert that all dogs, domestic and wild, share a common ancestor in the small South Asian wolf.
They have accompanied humans for some 10,000 years
Today humans have bred hundreds of different domestic dog
despite their many shapes and sizes all domestic dogs, are members of the same species Canis familiaris.

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