Photo 108995, (c) Green Rosettas, all rights reserved, uploaded by Green Rosettas

Attribution © Green Rosettas
all rights reserved
Uploaded by greenrosettas greenrosettas
Source Flickr
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Pacific Gopher Snake (Pituophis catenifer ssp. catenifer)




April 27, 2012


I was looking through an old garbage pile when I came across this fairly large sized gopher snake. Snatched it up and brought it up the hill a bit to show my buddies. They were amazed, but I spied a group of young teenagers in a group of cars nearby smoking and necking and doing things that young teens do. I walked up to them and asked "Hey, guys do you wanna see somethin' cool?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"This snake!"

The looks and reactions were priceless, but once everyone calmed down it turned into a bit of a naturalist interpretive moment. Almost all of the kids were totally unware that there were snakes living so close to their homes. The snake was returned to it's rightful home under the garbage heap and teenagers learned about snakes and to exercise a caution when encountering a stranger asking them if they want to see something cool.
