Photo 113284, (c) Courtney (Nini), all rights reserved, uploaded by Courtney (Nini)

Attribution © Courtney (Nini)
all rights reserved
Uploaded by rowlands_courtney_3 rowlands_courtney_3
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Koch's Wolf Spider (Alopecosa kochi)


May 4, 2012


When in vacaville, I spotted this spider scurrying around. it looked as is it had two rows of little tiny (Almost un-seen) dots on its rear end. It's egg-sack (Which it was carrying along with it, by dragging it while it was attached to his butt) looked almost like a white small pebble, but when you looked closer, it looked like a miniature ball of yarn. He was a dark brown color, and was extremely protective of his egg sack. He even tried to go down a crack in the ground, but the egg sack was too big, so he turned around and looked for a different hiding spot. It was a pretty warm day out when I saw him. The spider was also not all too big. It was about the size of a quarter.
