Taxonomy details for Barklice, Booklice, and Parasitic Lice (Order Psocodea)

Relationship: Deviation

iNaturalist World Register of Marine Species
Order Mecoptera (parent: Subclass Pterygota) Many-to-many Order Phthiraptera (parent: Infraclass Pterygota)
Order Notoptera (parent: Subclass Pterygota) Order Psocoptera (parent: Infraclass Pterygota)
Order Phasmida (parent: Subclass Pterygota)
Order Psocodea (parent: Subclass Pterygota)
Order Raphidioptera (parent: Subclass Pterygota)
Order Zoraptera (parent: Subclass Pterygota)

WoRMs includes Psocoptera and Phthiraptera rather than Psocodea and doesn't include several terrestrial insect orders

Created by loarie on October 10, 2023

Defines a Taxon Framework for Psocodea sourced to Psocodea Species File

Downstream coverage: rank subspecies

Taxon Framework Relationships: 2247

Relationship unknown count: 184