Mountain Bluebird

Sialia currucoides

Summary 7

The Mountain Bluebird (Sialia currucoides) is a medium-sized bird weighing about 30 g (1.1 oz) with a length from 16–20 cm (6.3–7.9 in). They have light underbellies and black eyes. Adult males have thin bills that are bright turquoise-blue and somewhat lighter beneath. Adult females have duller blue wings and tail, grey breast, grey crown, throat and back. In fresh fall plumage, the female's throat and breast are tinged with red-orange; brownish near the flank contrasting with white tail underparts....

Distribution 8

occurs (regularly, as a native taxon) in multiple nations

Diagnostic description 9

See Kaufman (1992) for detailed information on identification of bluebirds.

Habitat and ecology 10


  • Terrestrial

Migration 11

Non-Migrant: No. All populations of this species make significant seasonal migrations.

Locally Migrant: Yes. At least some populations of this species make local extended movements (generally less than 200 km) at particular times of the year (e.g., to breeding or wintering grounds, to hibernation sites).

Locally Migrant: Yes. At least some populations of this species make annual migrations of over 200 km.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Blake Matheson, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  2. (c) Dick Daniels (, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  3. (c) Blake Matheson, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  4. Jesse Achtenberg, no known copyright restrictions (public domain),
  5. Jesse Achtenberg - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, no known copyright restrictions (public domain),
  6. (c) Mark Wagner (Carnildo, some rights reserved (CC BY),
  7. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  8. (c) NatureServe, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  9. (c) NatureServe, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  10. (c) International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),
  11. (c) NatureServe, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),

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