
iNaturalist is frequently mentioned in a variety of local news outlets. We suggest searching Google News for recent examples. Below are some notable examples of broader media coverage about iNaturalist.

September 2023, KQED Forum

iNaturalist, A Cultivator of Community and Collector of Crucial Wildlife Data, Goes Solo

Scott Loarie and Ken-ichi Ueda are interviewed about the evolution and impact of iNaturalist along with community members Jennifer Rycenga and Prakrit Jain.

April 2023, The Washington Post

These 4 free apps can help you identify every flower, plant and tree around you

Michael Coren recommends Seek, iNaturalist, PlantNet, and Merlin as science-driven apps for exploring biodiversity in your neighborhood.

December 2022, The New York Times

Can Humans Find Common Ground? Sure. Just Start With Sea Slugs.

Amy Harmon interviewed dozens of members of the iNaturalist community in search of what makes it a place for civil discourse in pursuit of truth about the natural world.

September 2022, Nature

Community science draws on the power of the crowd

Amber Dance covers community science and profiles several community science leaders, including iNat user Greg Pauly.

July 2022, Reasons to Be Cheerful

The Nature Lover’s App That Became a Catalog of Earth’s Biodiversity

Elizabeth Hewitt details several of the successes of iNaturalist.

January 2022, Atlas Obscura

Can Citizen Scientists Prevent Another Pacific Newt Massacre?

Shoshi Parks covers the effort to document newts in California using iNaturalist to try and reduce newt road mortality.

September 2021, Audubon Magazine

Birds Are One Line of Defense Against Dreaded Spotted Lanternflies

Carlyn Kranking reports on how iNaturalist is being used to document Spotted Lanternfly predators.

September 2021, Discover Magazine

Hiking 17,000 Miles for Citizen Science and the Environment

Nathaniel Scharping interviews Sonya Richmond and Sean Morton about their journey.

September 2021, Florida Museum

Who observes the observers? Scientists conduct large-scale study of iNaturalist users

Jerald Pinson reports on a study that studies the patterns of people using iNaturalist.

July 2021, Chicago Sun Times

App-solutely enhancing outdoors experience: iNaturalist, Seek and Merlin Bird ID apps; plus Stray Cast

Dale Bowman said Seek by iNaturalist "changed my outdoor world, especially for identifying plants and trees."

March 2021, Travel Awaits

8 Best Hiking Apps To Get You Ready To Hit The Trail

Joe Cuhaj recommends iNaturalist for hikers who want to learn more about what they see on the trail.

March 2021, National Geographic

450 butterfly species rapidly declining due to warmer autumns in the western U.S.

iNaturalist data shows similar trend to other butterfly datasets in Science paper

September 2020, National Geographic

Americans are observing nature during the pandemic, helping scientists with research

Christine Peterson covers how iNaturalist and other apps helped people explore from home.

2020 August, The Conversation

The next invasion of insect pests will be discovered via social media

"iNaturalist has become a world-leading resource that combines observational data with artificial intelligence and community expertise to bring natural history into the digital age." by Paul Manning and Morgan Jackson

2020 August, The New York Times

The Pleasures of Moth Watching

How "mothing" turned Margaret Roach into a citizen scientist.

2020 August, The New York Times

17 Learning Tools For Your Next Outdoor Excursion

Stephanie Rosenbloom endorses Seek by iNaturalist for learning more about what's around you.

2020 August, Sierra

iNaturalist Does More Than ID Plants

iNaturalist also helped Korrin L. Bishop find meaning during the pandemic.

2020 June, Mashable

Don't know how to tell trees apart? There's an app for that.

Sarah Lindenfield Hall tells of neighborhood nature explorations with her daughter during the covid-19 pandemic.

2020 February, Wired

The Secret to Enjoying Nature Is … Your Phone

Catherine LeClair writes about iNaturalist and Seek by iNaturalist, and how using them helped her become more connected to nature.

2020 February, USA Today

How a bizarre, monster fish hoodwinked researchers and reeled in a wave of citizen scientists

Covers the collaborative ID of a hoodwinker sunfish found in California.

2019 July, and CTV

What's that bug? How to identify any plant or animal with your smartphone

iNaturalist and iNaturalist Canada are discussed in this article, as well as the importance of crowdsourced data. iNaturalist staff member Carrie Seltzer was also interviewed for CTV in connection with the article.

2019 June, Bay Nature

An Update to the App to Identify (Almost) Anything (Almost) Anywhere

Seek team members discuss Seek 2.0's live ID suggestions feature.

2019 Apr, FlyTimes

Diptera and iNaturalist: A case study from Asiloidea

Dipterists Even Dankowicz and Chris Cohen discuss the use of iNaturalist in their research.

2019 Apr, Slate

Plants and Birds Need Privacy Online, Too

April Glaser explores the tradeoffs between sharing biodiversity information and keeping it secret, using eBird and iNaturalist as examples.

2019 Feb, NPR

Scientists Shocked By Rare, Giant Sunfish Washed Up On California Beach

The iNaturalist observation of a rare Hoodwinker Sunfish in the wrong hemisphere spawned many news stories in outlets around the world. This piece by Merrit Kennedy describes the dialogue on iNaturalist that made this discovery possible.

2019 Jan, The Daily - Case Western Reserve University

How male dragonflies adapt wing color to temperature

Hundreds of dragonfly photos on iNaturalist were examined as part of a study looking into the connection between wing color and local temperature.

2018 Oct, Mongabay

The iNaturalist species data sharing platform reaches one million users

Sue Palminteri talking with co-director Scott Loarie about how iNaturalist has scaled over the last 10 years and what new challenges emerge with new technologies.

2018 Oct, The New York Times

With Bugs, You're Never Home Alone

Coverage by Nicola Twilley of the Never Home Alone project (and book of the same name by Rob Dunn) that aims to understand the wildlife inside our homes.

2018 Aug, Associated Press

The Green Big Apple: New Yorkers document the city’s plants

Emiliano Rodríguez Mega writes about the New York Botanical Garden's endeavor to map all of the city's plants.

2018 Apr, Microsoft News

Like taking a whole scientific team with you on a walk: iNaturalist helps spawn a generation of citizen scientists

A story for Earth Day highlighting the contributions of users, the impact of the community, and the support of Microsoft AI for Earth.

2018 Mar, Earther

This New App Is Like Shazam for Your Nature Photos

Asher Elbein writes about the new gamified, kid-safe nature exploration app for iOS Seek by iNaturalist that uses solely computer vision.

2017 Dec, South China Morning Post

Conservation in Hong Kong: citizen scientists enlisted to record and safeguard city’s amazing biodiversity

A piece about Hong Kong's Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (BSAP) and its citizen science initiatives, including a BioBlitz that used iNaturalist.

2017 Dec, The New York Times Magazine

Letter of Recommendation: iNaturalist

Ferris Jabr writes a piece about iNat's computer vision ID feature and the importance of knowing the names of living things.

2017 Jul, The Atlantic

Finally: An App That Can Identify the Animal You Saw on Your Hike

Ed Yong describes iNaturalist's computer vision functionality released in June 2017 and puts it to the test with his own observations.

2017 Jul, Bay Nature

Identify Anything, Anywhere, Instantly (Well, Almost) With the Newest iNaturalist Release

In-depth coverage by Eric Simons of the evolution and initial launch of iNaturalist's computer vision/image recognition tool, with many quotes the iNaturalist team and broader iNaturalist community.

2017 Mar, Science Friday

Where to Find Wildflowers? Experts Weigh In

iNat co-founder Ken-ichi Ueda shares how to use iNaturalist to record and share the spring wildflower bloom alongside a panel of fellow wildlife-enthusiasts.

2016 Nov,

Nature Lovers Come Together on to Document Their Environment and Share Their Passion

Not quite "press", but still kind of amusing, and not a bad write-up! Also brings to mind John Muir Laws's thoughts on love and nature.

2016 Jul, National Public Radio

The App That Aims To Gamify Biology Has Amateurs Discovering New Species

This story featuring iNaturalist by KERA in Texas got picked up by NPR for national broadcast on All Tech Considered.

2016 Jul, Mongabay

Citizen science leads to snail rediscovery in Vietnam

Describes a snail posted to iNat from Vietnam that hadn't been seen in over 100 years.

2015 Nov, Forbes

How Emerging Technologies Could Help Protect Biodiversity

Story about a recent paper on technology for conservation that covers iNaturalist

2015 Aug, National Geographic

People-Powered Data Visualization

Highlighting the power of big data generated by citizen science using iNaturalist, eBird, and other examples.

2014 Nov, MongaBay

Citizen scientist site hits one million observations of life on Earth

Nice story on iNat reaching 1,000,000 observations and launching improved maps.

2014 May, Science

The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection

Pimm et al. assess the current rate of extinction compared with a hypothetical background rate. They cite iNaturalist as an important tool in helping scientists fill the gaps in our knowledge of where species currently persist.

2014 February, San Francisco Chronicle

Bioblitz volunteers help catalog species

SF Chronicle coverage of an iNat-powered bioblitz that we helped organize in collaboration with Nerds for Nature, Wild Oakland, and numerous other partners. Nerds for Nature has conducted numerous bioblitzes like this, and they're both tons of fun and a great model for using iNat to engage people with nature while collecting potentially useful data.

Want more? Noteworthy observations and other news can be found on Facebook and Twitter. The iNaturalist blog highlights news and and stories from the Observation of the Week. You can also search Google for even more news about iNaturalist.


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Revised on July 26, 2024 03:06 PM by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer