August 25, 2014

Being sick

My 4 year old decided to share her head cold with me. She shares everything. So now I'm laying in the recliner staring out the window. It's so sunny today but humid. We had a thunder storm last night. It shut off the power for a minute. The dogs ran and hide beside the coach shaken.
Luckily I was able to take some pictures and add them to my observations yesterday. Since I've found this site I've noticed I'm so much more observant of what around me. I see a nat flying around and I'm like oh I need a picture of that. There to small for the iPad to take a pic of though. I hung up laundry and was looking at the "weeds" around me and I'm thinking "oh I don't have that on my observation list".
I'm thinking about buying a new camera. I just want a point and shoot one though. But was wondering if someone also has a camera built in to binoculars.

Posted on August 25, 2014 04:52 PM by kotenburg kotenburg | 0 comments | Leave a comment

August 18, 2014

Introduce Myself

My husband and I finally moved out of town. We bought our new home last year in October. We have 3 acres, half is house and yard. The other half is woods and creek with a water fall. When I go exploring in the woods sometimes I almost forget that it's my home and think I'm in some state park or something. I love plants and, well anything nature. Not fond of snakes and spiders but I know there all vital parts of our ecosystem.
I was posting pictures of all the animals that I see on our property on Facebook. Which I'm sure my family thinks I'm nuts. So glad I found this site. I can now put everything on here. I think that I may help the world by letting them know what is where. I guess that's the nature lover side of me. I don't have any formal training or anything, I'm all self thought.
I have Ménière's disease so I keep telling myself that get a formal education would be a waste of money. For those that don't know what Meniere's is, it's a inner ear disease. It make you disease and have vertigo attacks, along with some hearing loss. There is no cure and not a lot of awareness even though just about everyone knows someone with it. So my life is lived mostly at home.
If I could go back in time I would be some kind of environmentalist. My favorite animals are the elephants and whales, two completely different ecosystems. Even though I live in Indiana surrounded by farms, I believe the oceans our the key to our survival.

Posted on August 18, 2014 02:38 PM by kotenburg kotenburg | 1 comment | Leave a comment
