Virtual Bioblitz - Saturday, June 6!

Enjoyed the City Nature Challenge and looking for another together-yet-apart even to join in? Take part in our virtual bioblitz this coming Saturday!

We (the Citizen Science team at the California Academy of Sciences) are holding a virtual bioblitz on Saturday, June 6, starting at 10am Pacific Time / 17:00 UTC (check other time zones here). We realize daylight times in California are not ideal for much of the world, so be sure to check what time it will be for you before you sign up!

We've been missing our bioblitz community and thought this might be a nice way to meet new people, 'see' each other, and do something we love to do together... while still being physically apart. We'll start out on Zoom at 10am PT to go over the basics of bioblitzing for anyone who is new to it. Then we'll all head out - in our backyards, neighborhoods, a nearby park that's open - and bioblitz! We'll come back together at noon on Zoom to check out our project and share our finds. We're hoping it'll be a fun and casual no-pressure event: bioblitz at much as you want, where you want, by yourself or with your family!

To sign up, please fill out this form: If you'd definitely like to participate, please sign up soon since space is limited. After signing up, you'll get the link to the iNaturalist project to join so your observations will be counted. We'll send out the Zoom info later this week. Feel free to invite others to sign up as well - just send them the sign-up form!

Hope you're all staying safe and we hope to 'see' you on Saturday for the bioblitz!
-Alison (@kestrel), Rebecca (@rebeccafay), and Annie (@anniemiller)

Posted on June 2, 2020 04:24 PM by kestrel kestrel


Virtual BioBlitz, you say? SIGN. ME. UP. :-)

Posted by klodonnell about 4 years ago

3am to 5:30am for Sydney :((

Posted by thebeachcomber about 4 years ago

2pm to 4pm for Brasília

Posted by gabrielvolkerlacerda about 4 years ago

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