Welcome, iNaturalist Chile! ¡Bienvenido, iNaturalist Chile!

Today we announce the launch of iNaturalistCL, iNaturalist Chile, as the newest member of the iNaturalist Network, in a collaboration with the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

Hoy celebramos oficialmente el lanzamiento público de iNaturalist CL, iNaturalist Chile, como nuevo miembro de la red mundial iNaturalist, en una colaboración con el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente de Chile.

iNaturalistCL has the distinction of being the first member of the iNaturalist Network to adopt a plant for their new logo: the Monkey-Puzzle Tree or Araucaria (Araucaria araucana), an iconic species and very well known in Chile as the national tree, present in the Andes Mountains and in the Nahuelbuta Mountains, in the south of the country. It is a symbol of conservation, as it is an endangered species, mostly found in areas which need to be protected. They can measure up to 50 meters and are long-lived, with calculated ages of up to more than a thousand years. The symbol was chosen by popular vote via web form.

iNaturalistCL tiene la distinción de ser el primer miembro de la red iNaturalist en adoptar una planta como su nuevo logo: La Araucaria (Araucaria araucana), una especie icónica y conocida en Chile como su árbol nacional, presente en la Cordillera de los Andes y en la cordillera de Nahuelbuta, al sur del país. Es un símbolo de la conservación al tratarse de una especie amenazada que se encuentra en áreas que dependen de la protección. Puede medir hasta 50 metros y son longevas, con edades calculadas de hasta más de mil años. El símbolo fue elegido por votación popular vía formulario web.

The Chilean iNaturalist community has been growing rapidly over the last couple of years. You can read more about earlier activity trends in Chile in the iNaturalist World Tour post from July 2019. Jorge Herreros de Lartundo, @lartundo, is the primary point of contact for iNaturalistCL in his role with the Ministry of Environment of Chile.

La comunidad chilena de iNaturalist ha crecido rápidamente en los últimos años. Puedes leer más sobre las tendencias de actividad anteriores en Chile en la publicación de la Gira Mundial de iNaturalist de julio de 2019. Jorge Herreros de Lartundo, @lartundo, es el principal punto de contacto de iNaturalistCL en su rol con el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente de Chile.

The iNaturalist Network now has twelve nationally-focused sites that are fully connected and interoperable with the global iNaturalist site. The sites are: Naturalista Mexico, iNaturalist Canada, iNaturalist New Zealand (formerly NatureWatchNZ), Naturalista Colombia, BioDiversity4All (Portugal), iNaturalist Panama, iNaturalist Ecuador, iNaturalist Australia, ArgentiNat (Argentina), iNaturalist Israel, iNaturalist Finland, and now iNaturalist Chile. Any iNaturalist user can log in on any of the sites using their same credentials and will see the same notifications.

La red iNaturalist ahora tiene doce sitios con foco nacional que están completamente conectados y que son interoperables con el sitio global de iNaturalist. Estos sitios son: Naturalista Mexico, iNaturalist Canada, iNaturalist New Zealand (anteriormente NatureWatchNZ), Naturalista Colombia, BioDiversity4All (Portugal), iNaturalist Panama, iNaturalist Ecuador, iNaturalist Australia, ArgentiNat (Argentina), iNaturalist Israel, iNaturalist Finland, y ahora iNaturalist Chile o #iNaturalistCL. Cualquier usuario de iNaturalist puede iniciar sesión en cualquiera de estos sitios usando las mismas credenciales y verá las mismas notificaciones.

The iNaturalist Network model allows for localizing the iNaturalist experience to better support communities on a national scale and local leadership in the movement, without splitting the community into isolated, national sites. The iNaturalist team is grateful to the outreach, training, translations, and user support carried out through the efforts of the iNaturalist Network member institutions.

El modelo de la red iNaturalist permite localizar la experiencia de iNaturalist para apoyar mejor a las comunidades a nivel nacional y un liderazgo mejor en el movimiento, sin dividir a la comunidad en sitios nacionales aislados. El equipo de iNaturalist agradece el alcance, las capacitaciones, las traducciones y el apoyo a los usuarios que se llevan a cabo con esfuerzo de las instituciones miembro de la red iNaturalist.

We look forward to welcoming many new Chilean members of the iNaturalist community and watching how participation grows during the southern hemisphere summer!

¡Esperamos dar la bienvenida a muchos nuevos miembros de Chile en la comunidad de iNaturalist y ver cómo la participación aumenta durante el verano del hemisferio sur!

Posted on February 11, 2021 08:35 PM by carrieseltzer carrieseltzer


I think it's great more countries are joining! Great logo! Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!

Posted by rangermyles over 3 years ago

¡Felicidades, Chile! Bienvenidxs a la red.

Posted by carancho over 3 years ago

Magnificent!! Well done!

Posted by sambiology over 3 years ago

It is exciting to see iNaturalist growing and being adopted and supported on a national level around the globe.

Posted by edwardrooks over 3 years ago


Posted by robinellison over 3 years ago

Wonderful!! I also love the Monkey Puzzle Tree logo :)

Posted by emjtca over 3 years ago

Amazing! Can’t wait for what happens next! Plus great logo 🙌🏼

Posted by mythical_mold over 3 years ago

Happy to be part of the iNat chilean community ! also, what a lovely logo! We love araucarias more than anything ♡
Very proud about this, is exciting to have more efforts to record our unique biodiversity!
Thank you to all the people involved here.

Posted by diegoalmendras over 3 years ago

Felicidades, Chile ! Hermosa la araucaria <3

Posted by flo_grattarola over 3 years ago

Muchísimas Felicidades Chile

Posted by elizatorres over 3 years ago

Well done and welcome Chile, we hope more countries join this network.

Posted by aleturkmen over 3 years ago

Bienvenidos de su bandera-gemela, Texas!

Posted by lisamh over 3 years ago

¡Felicidades Chile!

Posted by mayela_y_ramon over 3 years ago


Posted by radrat over 3 years ago

A todo Chile y a sus habitantes, ¡te abrazamos a ti y a tu diversidad!

Posted by markkjames over 3 years ago

Congratulations Chile, and welcome to the greater iNaturalist community.
May your observations bring new light and insights about the biodiversity of Chile.
Also love your logo :)

Posted by petrabroddle over 3 years ago

Felicidades Chile!!! Bienvenidos!

Posted by carlos2 over 3 years ago

¡Felicidades Chile! ¡Es genial tenerte en iNat!

Posted by artemis224 over 3 years ago

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