Coyote Notification (March 2016)

We have had several reports of increased coyote activity within the Wisconsin Avenue Park area recently. Reports include single and pairs of coyotes moving through the park during the day and occasional howling from nearby woodlots. This is not unusual behavior, but warrants awareness.

One of the primary goals of the Milwaukee County Coyote Watch is to learn how to proactively manage potential conflict with urban canids. Coyotes play an important role in our urban ecosystems by preying on small mammals such as rabbits, rats, squirrels, and mice. While we do not have any evidence of these coyotes displaying aggressive behavior, increased coyote activity provides a perfect opportunity for proactive management; therefore, we encourage residents in this area to take precautionary steps, especially with pets, including:

  1. If you see a coyote, make an effort to scare the individual away by yelling, waving arms, or throwing small objects in the direction of the animal. It is important that coyotes associate humans with fear. A proper response for a coyote would be to run away. Hazing video:

  2. Be vigilant while letting pets out, especially at night. Always keep an eye on them while they are outside, even on a leash.

  3. Eliminate any food sources in your yard, including pet food and overfilled bird feeders (spilled bird seed attracts prey for coyotes), and keep compost bins tidy.

  4. Report any sightings of these coyotes on iNaturalist. This helps to keep us informed about encounters with these animals and allows us to let residents of Milwaukee know about potential situations like this!

  5. Posted on March 15, 2016 08:43 PM by milwaukeecountyparks milwaukeecountyparks


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