Journal archives for July 2022

July 26, 2022

Coyotes in Summer

Coyote Behavior in Summer (June – September)
In summer, coyote packs with new pups are busy teaching the youngest members everything there is to know about being a coyote – how to hunt, which paths to travel, and how to thrive in a unique urban wilderness. Urban coyotes have a 60% chance of survival during their first year of life, with car collisions accounting for the highest cause of death. Coyote activity increases during these summer months and coincides with our highest outdoor activity. Therefore, the highest chances for human and coyote interactions generally occur from June through August, before tapering off in September. This is also the time of year where the most altercations between dogs and coyotes occur. It is extremely important to exercise caution when visiting natural areas during this time, especially with pets.
Heed any caution signs you may encounter and stick to trails and open paths that allow you to see and react to coyotes ahead of time. Be vigilant of your surroundings as well as your children and pets. Before heading to a park or natural area, check resources such as Milwaukee County Coyote Watch or an online neighborhood forum to view any recent reports of coyote activity in the area you want to visit. If you are unsure about an area, contact the Milwaukee County Parks Department or the Wisconsin DNR for more information. If an encounter does occur, stand tall and assertive without turning your back to a coyote and leave the area. For further reading on dog and coyote interactions specifically, refer to this article from the Urban Coyote Initiative:

Posted on July 26, 2022 02:28 PM by milwaukeecountyparks milwaukeecountyparks | 0 comments | Leave a comment