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davidferguson Plains Pricklypear (Opuntia polyacantha)

Got another variety for you - var. schweriniana is missing. Synonym is heacockiae

Dec. 24, 2018 17:48:13 +0000 Not Resolved


Our default taxonomy (POWO) shows this as a synonym of var. polyacantha. Are you wanting to propose a deviation from POWO for this name?

Posted by jdmore over 5 years ago
Posted by durling over 5 years ago

I would have to answer yes. However, as with most taxonomy, it is a judgement call. Var. schweriniana is a very distinctive little dwarf high elevation variety, easily distinguishable and stable within it's distribution area. Since it blends with other varieties (polyacantha, juniperiana, hystricina, rhodantha) at it's lower limits, it should be considered a variety as Backeberg placed it, and not as a distinct species. This variety is clearly not just made up of "stunted" plants as sometimes stated, but is a genetically determined elevational/regional variant, as shown by plants remaining dwarf when moved to a warmer climate. The name should not just be ignored by lumping it.

Coming up with literature based justifications is difficult with Opuntia, since the genus is a mess regardless of what source of information one turns to [particularly so on-line]. This is the case for a number of Opuntia names that have been ignored as if the plants don't exist. Descriptions of both of the following names have good discussions; this taxon is well-supported by the authors, and illustrations are included with both original descriptions. However, (inexplicably) the taxon is lumped as a synonym of either O. fragilis or O. polycantha var. polyacantha in many online databases, while in some recent literature it is lumped under O. polyacantha var. hystricina (but in the later case with discussion that it may deserve varietal recognition).

Here is the original description of O. schweriniana, which is the name of priority at both varietal and species rankings:
Opuntia schweriniana K.Schum., Monatsschrift für Kakteenkunde 9:148. 1899 https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/49721#page/160/mode/1up
Type locality: Sapinero, Gunnison County, Colorado

Here is the citation for the first official placement of schweriniana at varietal ranking under Opuntia polyacantha:
Opuntia polyacantha var. schweriniana ( K.Schum. ) Backeb. Cactaceae (Backeberg) 1: 607. 1958

Here is the original description of O. heacockiae, which is a synonym:
Opuntia heacockiae Arp, Sida 10(3): 207 [corrected from 'heacockae'. 1984] https://www.jstor.org/stable/41966649?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
Type localtiy: w. side Trout Creek Pass, Chafee County, Colorado.

The name "Opuntia heacockiae" was a re-description of Opuntia schweriniana based on the false assumption (gleaned by the author secondhand from statements published by Lyman Benson) that the later name is a synonym of Opuntia fragilis. In point of fact the original illustration and type material of O. schwerinaina show it and O. heacockiae to be the same name, and this has been pointed out and discussed numerous times in numerous forums. Thus, the name O. heacockiae is a later synonym, and a redescription of the same plant. Perhaps it is invalid, because published as a superfluous replacement name. [Determination would be up to judgement by a panel of the International Commision on Botanical Nomenclature, but is not important, as it has no affect on the proper name to be used.]

There is a discussion of varieties of Opuntia polyacantha online here:

Posted by davidferguson over 5 years ago

Thanks @davidferguson, that sounds like reasonable justification to me. Since you have curator status, you can add the taxon and resolve this flag, but let us know if you need any assistance. A couple of other things:

If it is a deviation from POWO, as in this case and I believe also for the taxa mentioned in your flag https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/301969 that have since been added, please be sure to follow the protocol outlined at https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/inaturalist-vascular-plant-working-group/journal/18353 for documenting deviations from POWO. It involves leaving a flag open on each taxon that deviates with a reason such as "POWO deviation pending," and updating the spreadsheet list of potential deviations (linked from the above).

Also I suggest leaving a link to this flag in a comment to the var. schweriniana flag, so that access to this discussion is maintained.

Since, as you mentioned, Opuntia taxonomy is a mess and different judgments abound, I wonder if you can recommend any current source, online or otherwise, that most closely reflects your current views of the genus? If so, it might be good to informally tier off of that for further adjustments to the iNat taxonomy and deviations from POWO, just to keep things a little more orderly. BUT, if there is no such reference, and adjustments/deviations need to continue in piecemeal fashion, then so be it. Just know that if conflicting taxonomic views emerge without consensus, our default is to fall back on POWO.

Thanks again for your detailed justification on this one.

Posted by jdmore over 5 years ago

I see this taxon has been added, but with no pertinent taxonomic framework deviation. should this flag be closed and var. schweriniana itself flagged, or the discussion continue here for documenting the deviation etc.?

Posted by sbrobeson 2 months ago

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