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rangertreaty50 Toppin's Titi (Plecturocebus toppini)

I added the common name and a photo for this species but it needs to be inserted into the taxonomic framework by a curator of this species

Jul. 10, 2019 17:43:44 +0000 bobby23



Posted by vechocho almost 5 years ago
Posted by kokhuitan almost 5 years ago

@jwidness currently is the only taxon curator for Primates and she is not readily available for the next few months. However, I think it can be granted curatorial roles over Primates in the interim.

Posted by bobby23 almost 5 years ago

So if we're adding toppini, we should probably follow the full taxonomy of Byrne et al. That means also adding miltoni and urubambensis, and removing dubius (considered a junior synonym of caligatus by Byrne et al.). And it means a bunch of the maps are now wrong -- e.g. toppini should have come from a portion of cupreus. I'd really prefer if we didn't add to the taxonomy without fully resolving the range conflicts first...

Posted by jwidness almost 5 years ago

I have deactivated P. toppini in the interim.

Posted by bobby23 almost 5 years ago

I'm making some new maps to fix it up, but in terms of the taxonomy:

dubius should be sunk into caligatus (the maps don't make sense because they're not contiguous, but shrug, that's what the genetics are saying)
toppini takes parts of its range from brunneus, cupreus, and the current dubius
urubambensis splits from brunneus and is sympatric in some places with toppini
miltoni is split from cinerescens in a pretty straightforward way

I don't honestly know the best way to start splitting these...

Posted by jwidness almost 5 years ago

Sounds tricky. It should be helpful to collaborate on this.

Should brunneus and cupreus lose any of their current distribution to accommodate toppini (e.g. is toppini naturally overlap with brunneus and cupreus)? Should brunneus lose any of distribution to urubambensis?

Posted by bobby23 almost 5 years ago

brunneus loses some to toppini and also some to urubambensis
cupreus loses some to toppini
toppini and urubambensis overlap in some places

it shouldn't take that much longer for me to get the maps done

Posted by jwidness almost 5 years ago

Ok, I think all the maps are corrected.

toppini is here: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/906741-Plecturocebus-toppini

urubambensis: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/926854-Plecturocebus-urubambensis (note some sympatry with toppini)

cupreus didn't have any observations in the modified areas so I put the map on the existing taxon: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/738185-Plecturocebus-cupreus (not sure what to do about the obs that was already out of range, by range it should be toppini, but doesn't really look it)

I made a new brunneus since many observations are affected by the map change: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/926855-Plecturocebus-brunneus

I put the new caligatus map on the existing taxon: https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/738186-Plecturocebus-caligatus.

dubius needs to be removed (https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/738177-Plecturocebus-dubius). The observations in the western part of the range should be toppini, but the one near Porto Velho should be caligatus despite being outside the mapped area for that species.

Lastly, the miltoni/cinerascens split, which I started over here: https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/398246

Posted by jwidness almost 5 years ago

Great work, Jane. I set up two Taxon Splits that I "think" should take care of the remaining issues with Plecturocebus and would appreciate your input.


Posted by bobby23 almost 5 years ago

They look ok to me. Fingers crossed for no more major revisions in the genus, but I won't hold my breath...

Posted by jwidness almost 5 years ago

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