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thomaseverest thimble morels (Genus Verpa)

Coming up under a mollusk family even though it's correctly placed

Apr. 17, 2020 19:50:36 +0000 tonyrebelo

mysteriously fixed


This looks like it's placed correctly in our tree, but if you search for Penicillidae (a family of bivalves) then all the observations of Verpa that are not IDed to species show up. Verpa is an accepted bivalve genus of Penicillidae and it looks like that may have messed the system up somehow. Not sure where the issue is though.

Posted by thomaseverest over 4 years ago

I should add that Verpa does not show under Penicillidae and none of the observations that show up searching under Penicillidae show up searching under Verpa.

Posted by thomaseverest over 4 years ago

Correction: it looks like all the ones searching under Penicillidae also show when searching under Verpa, but not all the ones under Verpa that aren't IDed to species show up under Penicillidae.

Posted by thomaseverest over 4 years ago

I cannot delimit the issue - it exists!

There are Verpa IDs under both Penicillata and Verpa
92 observations ID as Verpa under Verpa
41 observations ID as Verpa under Penicillata

But I cannot find a genus Verpa under Penicillata, and all the Verpa seem to link to Morchellaceae


Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

It seems it was moved to a mollusc and then "fixed" Seems like the fix did not work properly ...
see https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/118001/flags

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Did you fix it? I don't see them come up anymore.

Posted by thomaseverest over 4 years ago

I must have fixed it. I did a edit and save of the genus Verpa without doing anything: perhaps that was all that was needed to sync the indices.

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

Ah good thinking. Still rather mysterious…

Posted by thomaseverest over 4 years ago

To prevent a recurrance of this I have created a Mollusc genus Vepra and added two sepcies

Hopefully that will prevent a future swapping between Mollucs and Fungi.


Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

I think it is solved. Will resolve this flag. Thanks for bringing it up

Posted by tonyrebelo over 4 years ago

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