Sulcate Sunhead

Heliocybe sulcata

Summary 2

Heliocybe is an agaric genus closely allied to Neolentinus and the bracket fungus, Gloeophyllum, all of which cause brown rot of wood. Heliocybe sulcata, the type and sole species, is characterized by thumb-sized, tough, revivable, often dried, mushroom fruitbodies, with a tanned symmetric pileus that is radially cracked into a cartoon sun-like pattern of arranged scales and ridges, distant serrated lamellae, and a scaly central stipe. Microscopically it differs

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  1. (c) Jared McRae, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Jared McRae
  2. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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